Books Download Free Solitary (Escape from Furnace #2)

Be Specific About Out Of Books Solitary (Escape from Furnace #2)

Title:Solitary (Escape from Furnace #2)
Author:Alexander Gordon Smith
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:UK Edition
Pages:Pages: 272 pages
Published:July 2nd 2009
Categories:Young Adult. Horror. Science Fiction. Dystopia
Books Download Free Solitary (Escape from Furnace #2)
Solitary (Escape from Furnace #2) Paperback | Pages: 272 pages
Rating: 4.18 | 7609 Users | 799 Reviews

Description To Books Solitary (Escape from Furnace #2)

Furnace Prison ... Where death is the least of your worries. Escape is just the beginning ... We thought we’d made it, we thought we were free. But we should have known there was no way out of Furnace. All we did was slip deeper into the guts of the prison: into solitary confinement, where the real nightmares live - the warden, the Wheezers, and something much, much worse. The clock’s ticking. Because if we don’t escape soon they will turn us into freaks - like them. For ever. In the darkness of the hole your worst nightmares come to life.

Details Books During Solitary (Escape from Furnace #2)

Original Title: Solitary
ISBN: 0571240917 (ISBN13: 9780571240913)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: Escape from Furnace #2

Rating Out Of Books Solitary (Escape from Furnace #2)
Ratings: 4.18 From 7609 Users | 799 Reviews

Notice Out Of Books Solitary (Escape from Furnace #2)
When I finished the first book in this series, I was left with too many questions on what happened after Alex and his friends jumped into the underground river, hoping to escape the under ground prison called Furnace. I was left wanted more of this story, so I began to read the sequel, Solitary. This book did a great job of picking up right where the first book left off. I was constantly left at the end of every single chapter thinking to myself, how is he still alive? The crazy plot twists and

I think I just died a little inside.*SPOILERS*This is the second book in the Escape from Furnace series (one of my favourites may I add) in which our protagonist Alex, after accused of murdering his best friend, is convicted and sentenced to life in Furnace prison - basically, as close to Hell as you can go. This series features mainly his desperate desire to escape.I feel so gullible. At the end of the first book when he found the river to escape in I LITERALLY thought he would make it. Again,

This is the second installment in the series Escape From Furnace, and the hair-raising adventures continue. The book begins where the first left off--the boys have been recaptured after their first failed escape attempt. Keeping their hope alive is how much further they got than anyone expected or dreamed possible. Alex and Zee are thrown into solitary for a month, a length of time that no one has served under those circumstances without going mad. The two boys find ways to maintain their

After putting down Furnace: Lockdown - which effectively stopped right on a monumentally massive cliff-hanger ending - wondering if Alex Sawyer actually, really and truly escaped from the underground prison Furnace, I simply took a deep breath, cracked open Solitary and plowed on ahead. You see, Alex has witnessed horror upon horror during his stay in Furnace and just when the possiblity of escape is dangled right in front of him, he's brought back to grim reality by the evil Warden and his

This book will mess your mind and emotions.This little shit is amazing and Smith is a genius for giving you one hell of a roller coaster ride. The suspense never ends in this book and you can't help but hold your breath every now and then because the author wants you dead.Wait no, sorry that's wrong. He just wants you to have some difficulty in breathing.Solitary is the second book in the Escape from Furnace series and if you want a fast-paced book that causes emotional and mental destruction,

This book will mess your mind and emotions.This little shit is amazing and Smith is a genius for giving you one hell of a roller coaster ride. The suspense never ends in this book and you can't help but hold your breath every now and then because the author wants you dead.Wait no, sorry that's wrong. He just wants you to have some difficulty in breathing.Solitary is the second book in the Escape from Furnace series and if you want a fast-paced book that causes emotional and mental destruction,

So I'm listening to this book on Audible, and I'm thinking, "We've just spent half an hour listening to Alex's inner monologue whilst he's stuck in a coffin-sized solitary confinement hole. But I haven't been bored once."*slow clap*That's really impressive. Truly. I've really enjoyed this series so far. The author stays just north of the horror genre, but still dabbles a toe in it periodically. Overall, the feel is thriller, which I appreciate. I don't typically enjoy grimdark for the sake of

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