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Communions with Christ Paperback | Pages: 212 pages
Rating: 4.82 | 11 Users | 8 Reviews

Point Containing Books Communions with Christ

Title:Communions with Christ
Author:Sharon Roni Ellis
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 212 pages
Published:October 31st 2008 by Xulon Press

Commentary During Books Communions with Christ

This is a true story. An Archangel of the Lord appears to an unsuspecting housewife who had never been to church or read the Bible a day in her life. In doing the work of his Maker, Gods angel prepares the spirit of this biblically ignorant woman for what is soon to come. Then, Christ Jesus appears Under the supervision of Gods own Heart, and through multiple miraculous encounters, the woman derives her gifting and comes into intimate Communions with Christ, seeing deeply inside the mysteries of our Lord, while encountering a prophetic mystical journey quite holy in content and purpose. By His Holy Spirit, God streams all manner of healing guidance into the heart of this once spiritual vacuum. The woman struggles to understand this joyous awakening and find faith enough to believe these revelations of mystery, and to obey Gods requests. Jesus speaks intimately to His children, offering prophetic messages of hope sent from our Father to heal, restore, and guide us into the days ahead. Sharon Ellis spends many exhilarating and obedient days in service to our Lord through divine intervention. Jesus talks to Sharon, teaching and imparting His mysteries. He allows her to hear Him. Christ has done a marvelous thing in Sharon Ellis. His love has made her into the resurrected woman that God wants her to be. Our Father uses the unequipped and equips them with what they need. Sharon has evolved from the depths of oppression to a mighty warrior in the care of our Savior. God has dressed the woman in His armor and sent her to battle. From the depths of her ignorance He sends her to battle and He has been victorious. Her story is a supernatural miracle in the making. Its not over yet.

Declare Books Supposing Communions with Christ

Original Title: Communions With Christ
ISBN: 1606478893 (ISBN13: 9781606478899)
Edition Language: English URL

Rating Containing Books Communions with Christ
Ratings: 4.82 From 11 Users | 8 Reviews

Crit Containing Books Communions with Christ
Sharon's book was life changing for me, and I use it as a reference manual to gain deeper understanding of God's message to us. I don't believe it was an accident that I stumbled apon a signed copy at my Garland, TX bookstore. I deeply long for the next part - as I know there are more answers. I am brought to tears each time I pick it up and the spirit fills me with his love. I thank God for Sharon and this wonderful message that shows us that God is literally in our own back yards.

This book was put in my path for a reason. I had another book in my hand to buy and then my hands found this sitting on a table before checkout. I put the other one down and bought it. The autograph inside says "Obey God's Requests." I too have very peculiar things happen to me as well. As I was reading a few minutes ago I told God I wanted to meet this interesting writer and asked if that was possible...then my laptop which was closed and untouched burst out into a song from Addison Road just

Except for the Bible, this book, "Communions With Christ" is the greatest harmonious tune to ever pull at my spirit's heartstrings. There abides a hunger, a craving, an incredible awakening in these words from Christ, our Lord, written through this author. As I read, there remains no doubt in my mind that these messages are for Christian growth, healing and fullness in Him, our King. In each reading there is more to ponder, glean, and to realize into our very souls/spirits. Praise be to this

To me any true story is something special. To put your life's experiences on paper and then make it available for the world to read is something. There are so many critics that don't agree, and not everyone has to but it takes great guts to write your story and not be ashamed. Seeing angels and hearing God's voice is not uncommon. There are things for each of us to do and God chooses how we all will do those things. You were very courageous for writing this book. I can not tell you what didn't

This author was at Barnes and Noble and talking to her husband got me interested in reading this book.

True testimony of redemption. God's Angel appeared to me and began his message with "I am an Angel of David's Lord. I am Raphael. I come in the name of the Healer." I knew nothing about God's angel before this. I discovered that Raphael means "Healer". And of course Christ is our Healer. The Angel's words and messages to me were so layered with deep meanings. God's ways are above our ways. He will bring us out of our ignorance into the Glory with Him if we only have faith to believe that He

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