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Çalıkuşu Paperback | Pages: 408 pages
Rating: 4.29 | 11243 Users | 321 Reviews

Identify Out Of Books Çalıkuşu

Author:Reşat Nuri Güntekin
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 408 pages
Published:1992 by İnkılâp Kitabevi (first published 1922)
Categories:Asian Literature. Turkish Literature. Classics. Cultural. Turkish. Fiction. Romance. Roman. Novels

Rendition Conducive To Books Çalıkuşu

Çalı Kuşu ilk kez 1922 yılında Vakit gazetesinde tefrika edilmiş ve aynı yıl kitap olarak basılmıştır. Beşinci baskısından sonra eser, 1939 yılında bizzat Reşat Nuri Güntekin tarafından sonra tekrar yayımlanmıştır. Bu kitap söz konusu baskısından yararlanılarak aslına uygun olarak yayına hazırlanmıştır. ÇALI KUŞU, Reşat Nuri Güntekin''in en yaygın ününü kazandığı ilk romanı. Romanda, iyi öğrenim görmüş bir İstanbul kızının, Anadolu'nun çeşitli köy ve kasabalarında öğretmen olarak yaşadığı serüven anlatılır.Serüven yönü ağır basan bu romanda, kişilerin duygu dünyaları, ülke gerçeklerinden soyutlanmadan verilir. Çalı Kuşu, her yaştan insanın rahatlıkla okuyup sevebileceği önemli romanlarımızdan biridir.

Particularize Books Concering Çalıkuşu

Original Title: Çalıkuşu
ISBN: 9751000122 (ISBN13: 9789751000125)
Edition Language: Turkish
Characters: Kamran, Feride
Setting: Anatolia(Turkey) Istanbul(Turkey)

Rating Out Of Books Çalıkuşu
Ratings: 4.29 From 11243 Users | 321 Reviews

Write Up Out Of Books Çalıkuşu
Watched the English captioned Turkish tv series based on this book, called Lovebird on Netflix. After an ambiguous ending to the show, and finding out that only the first third of the book was used for the series, I found the entire book online and downloaded it. The series on Netflix was wonderful. I loved it. Lots of liberties were taken with the story, but they only enhanced the experience. I am giving this book a 4 star review, sentimentally, because I loved the series so much. Highly

I was torn with the rating for Calicusu. It was really a good book at heart. It is filled with emotional distress of a privileged girl who is thrown into the real world, to grow up and get a taste of reality on her own.There is a lot of good scenes here, lots of good parts that did stir up emotion in my black heart, but there was just way too much fluff and unnecessary (to me) details which did nothing else but bore me. Characters: 2This could just be me, but I simply could not find myself

cheesy. characters are detached from reality. story merely relies on psycolocigal pressecions of the characters.

This books is my all time favorite book, I have never read anything that changed my life as much and that I liked more than this. The story is capturing and sometimes heart breaking, but the main character manages to always keep strong, it tackles so many of everyday problems we face and has a great lesson that every person should learn. I have read this book more than 50 times now, and every time I still cry and smile and couldn't be happier, because the story is an amazing one and every person

Never thought I would enjoy a romantic story, a novel about love. But oh my stars, did I love this book. This novel made me cry, smile and experience all the feelings you're supposed to feel reading such a book.The main heroine was really, really nice and I liked her a lot. She felt real (except for her beauty, maybe) and alive. She had her flaws, but she was good and kind, such a lovable character.Doctor, oh doctor! Even though we got to see him pretty much only in last two parts of the book

I've read this book more than three times. I don't own it but my aunt has it on her bookshelf. It is a wonderful story about a girl growing up and experiencing love, broken heart and even naiveness.Calikusu, thus called after a bird for her endless energy and beauty, is an orphan. She lives with her aunts and uncles and is finally engaged to his cousin. She loves him in her pure-hearted way but the age gap leaves her at school while he is away for work in a foreign country.Little before the

I recommend this Turkish title to everyone who can find a translated edition... For those that can't, I have good news... There is a Turkish TV series based on this novel and it has just been acquired by Netflix... with English subtitles... called "Lovebird"... I really recommend it for watching, as the Turks make good drama TV shows like Brazilians...:) #mustread #mustwatch

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