Free Split Infinity (Apprentice Adept #1)Books Online Download

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Original Title: Split Infinity (Apprentice Adept, #1)
ISBN: 0345354915 (ISBN13: 9780345354914)
Edition Language: English
Series: Apprentice Adept #1
Characters: Stile
Literary Awards: Locus Award Nominee for Best Fantasy Novel (1981)
Free Split Infinity (Apprentice Adept #1)Books Online Download
Split Infinity (Apprentice Adept #1) Paperback | Pages: 368 pages
Rating: 3.96 | 16097 Users | 370 Reviews

Identify Based On Books Split Infinity (Apprentice Adept #1)

Title:Split Infinity (Apprentice Adept #1)
Author:Piers Anthony
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 368 pages
Published:October 12th 1987 by Del Rey (first published 1980)
Categories:Fantasy. Science Fiction. Fiction. Science Fiction Fantasy

Chronicle To Books Split Infinity (Apprentice Adept #1)

On the technological, decadent world of Proton, someone was trying to destroy Stile, serf and master Gamesman. His only escape lay in Phaze, a world totally ruled by magic. Soon he learned that his alternate self had already been murdered, and that he was next. On Proton, his fate depended on winning the great Games. On Phaze, he must master magic to survive. And if he used any magic at all, his friends were determined to kill him at once!

Rating Based On Books Split Infinity (Apprentice Adept #1)
Ratings: 3.96 From 16097 Users | 370 Reviews

Assess Based On Books Split Infinity (Apprentice Adept #1)
Soon after escaping assassination on the highly technical, science-oriented planet of Proton, Stile finds himself in a world of sorcery and magic where another power seeks his destruction.Split Infinity is the first in the Apprentice Adept series by Piers Anthony. Unlike most genre books this one takes place in both sci-fi and fantasy worlds. Proton is the sci-fi half and Phaze is the fantasy half. It is the ultimate male fantasy story. Stile is a master Gamesman, expert at nearly every Game,

I was thinking about this book the other day and wondering, "Is this the most sexist thing I've ever read?" The answer: quite probably. When was in my early teens I discovered Piers Anthony, because, let's face it: he WAS the fantasy section at Waldenbooks for the entire 1980's. I really loved the first few Incarnations of Immortality and the Xanth books, though they were definitely a bit naughty. Those books were also full of buxom women and people hopping into bed with total strangers, but

One of my favorite books as a youth. Disregarding Anthony's borderline-misogynistic treatment of female characters, the settings and plot of this novel (and the two main sequels) imagine worlds I want to visit over and over again.

1.5 stars. The world is interesting and well thought out, the rest, eeeeh. I read it thinking that it was going to subvert a couple tropes (Stile puts most other Gary Stu characters to shame), but no. It fell flat.

Sometimes I'll think back to books I've read. And sometimes I regret it.This is one of those times.About 4 years ago I borrowed a friend's copy of Split Infinity, because I saw it on her bookshelf and instantly nostalgiabombed- I, too, went through a huge Piers Anthony phase in high school.And I was reminded why I stopped reading his books, and never finished this particular series... let alone this book. Because there were TWO INSTANCES of rape within the first two chapters. Not only were my

I Read it because of the Cover29 February 2012 I understand the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' but the only reason I decided to read this book was because of its cover. I suspect that the saying means that because if we don't like the cover then we shouldn't necessarily throw the book away, however I do not think it really applies when we like the cover and then want to read the book. Still, just because a book has a cool cover does not necessarily mean that it will be a cool book.

Large number of people running around conducting their daily activities while wearing less clothing than might be seen at a European beach? Check. Intimate scenes in which one of the participants is an anatomically correct robot? Check. Bestiality with a magical mythical creature? Check. Yup, this must be a Piers Anthony novel. After all, he is the same author to have written a book named "The Color of Her Panties". Now I do not want to sound prudish. Well placed and well written sex scenes can

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