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Title:All That Matters
Author:Susan X. Meagher
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 504 pages
Published:October 7th 2007 by Brisk Press (first published 2006)
Categories:GLBT. Lesbian. Romance. LGBT. Lesbian Romance. Medical. Lesbian Fiction. Fiction
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All That Matters Paperback | Pages: 504 pages
Rating: 4.02 | 1689 Users | 104 Reviews

Explanation Toward Books All That Matters

Life is going damned well for Blair Spencer. She's a very successful real estate agent, happily married to a man who encourages her to live the independent life she loves; and they're actively working to have a baby. The wrench in the works is that Blair favors adoption, while her husband David desperately wants to have a biological child. The fates are against them, and they finally seek the help of a group of reproductive specialists. One of the doctors, a surgeon named Kylie Mackenzie, eventually becomes a good friend to Blair. And she needs all of the friends she can get when things start to go horribly wrong at home. As her marriage teeters on the brink of collapse, she relies more and more on Kylie's friendship. Kylie's happily gay; Blair's happily straight. But the way they structure their relationship leads friends and family to privately question whether the pair is setting themselves up for heartache. They eventually come to a crossroads, which could either destroy their friendship or turn it into what each of them has been seeking. The question is whether each woman can change her view of herself and her needs. The answer is all that matters.

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Original Title: All That Matters
ISBN: 0977088561 (ISBN13: 9780977088560)
Edition Language: English

Rating Containing Books All That Matters
Ratings: 4.02 From 1689 Users | 104 Reviews

Judgment Containing Books All That Matters
My first Susan X Meagher book! An incredible love story with the right ingredients and sizzling chemistry! Some may find this novel too long, but I thought it just appropriate. Both the protagonists, Kylie and Blair, went through thick and thin and found themselves in love with each other. I applaud Susan Meagher's writing powers and highly recommend this book to every lesbian fiction reader. I love the characters and story. I read it again when I think of it.

I love Kylie and Blair so much. They really are one of my favourite couples in lesfic. Both women are brilliant, accomplished, hilarious, and yet also show their vulnerability at times, especially with each other. They also come from fundamentally different emotional places because Blair is independent and likes having a life separate from her partner, while Kylie loves being around people and craves the kind of connection that means entwining her life with someone elses. Each woman has to think

It's a very long book but is definitely worth it.Great character development and I have no shame in admitting, that I prefer Kylie over everyone else.The story describes step by step how is to be pregnant, really step by step. But the main point of the story is to show how the love between Blair and Kylie develops, I adore a slow-burn romance with good chemistry and the author makes sure you notice every little change in the relationship. Kylie is amazing, charming, lovable, kind, almost perfect

It's not too terribly often that I rate a book 5 stars but this was undoubtedly a 5 star book for me. I adored the 2 main characters and couldn't wait for them to fall in love. It is most definitely a slow burn type of novel and that's the kind I like. It's also relatively long and that's another huge plus for me. I'm sure I could come up with some other positives but you get the gist. Read it!

Before I start this review I want to tell you that I finished this book months ago however it has taken me this long to write a review because Im realizing that there is no way for me to write how truly amazing this book actually is. Im not sure words could do it justice, but Im going to tryMy ReviewI may have found my all time favorite lesbian fiction romance Ever! Dont be put off by the length of the book because it truly is worth every second and every word. A friend recommended this book and

Oh dear! I just couldn't get into this - tried 3 times to start it, then did as a news year resolution, but, dear, oh dear, too verbose for me, a short story made l - o - n - g! Jumped to the last chapter and there it all was! Not for me, sorry!

Love this book! (and also Arbor Vitae)

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