Books عايزة أتجوز Download Free Online

Books عايزة أتجوز  Download Free Online
عايزة أتجوز Paperback | Pages: 176 pages
Rating: 3.66 | 8836 Users | 856 Reviews

Mention Containing Books عايزة أتجوز

Title:عايزة أتجوز
Author:غادة عبدالعال
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 176 pages
Published:2008 by دار الشروق
Categories:Nonfiction. Humor. Short Stories. Northern Africa. Egypt. Comedy. Social. Autobiography. Memoir

Relation In Pursuance Of Books عايزة أتجوز

كتاب ساخر جدا وواقعي جدا للشباب حول فتاة تريد أن تتزوج ومغامراتها المضحكة مع الخطاب المختلفين. ويصدر هذا الكتاب ضمن سلسلة مدون الشروق وهي سلسلة جديدة تصدرها دار الشروق للمدونات العربية المتميزة. "زمان كنتوا تشوفوا في الأفلام العربي أي بنت تدخل فرح وهي لابسه شيك كده شوية.. يتلموا عليها الشبان ويبقوا عايزين ياكلوها.. وما تخرجش م الفرح إلا بعريس.. دلوقتي نفس التجمعات بس بالعكس.. تلاقي كل أم قاعدة هي وبناتها مراقبين الشباب وياويله إللي يعدي جنبهم. - طارق.. إزيك يا ولد.. مش تيجي تسلم على بنات خالتك شوف بقوا حلوين إزاي؟ - أنا مش طارق يا طنط وأنا متهيألي كده حضرتك مش خالتي. - صحيح؟ معلش يا حبيبي العتب ع النظر طب ما تعرفنا على نفسك كده.. يمكن ربنا يحبك ويبقالك نصيب معانا. طبعا الواد يا إما يطلع يجري.. يا إما حد من صحابه بياخد باله م الكمين إللي وقع فيه ويجي ينقذه على أساس في حد عايزة وكده.."

Present Books To عايزة أتجوز

Original Title: عايزه أتجوز ISBN13 9789770922904
Edition Language: Arabic

Rating Containing Books عايزة أتجوز
Ratings: 3.66 From 8836 Users | 856 Reviews

Piece Containing Books عايزة أتجوز
Got the point no need to read the whole book.. Funny though.. Shity series

Satirical episodes concerning all girls who're ripe for marriage! Hilarious, yet won't have a peculiar one stick to the mind! It mirrors one of the concerns of today's girls..and the malaise of our society!

reading the book reminded me of the old blogging days when I was reading the same from the writers blog although I read it before yet I still enjoyed it which is a sign that this book is really a good one and that ghada is a real talented writer

It's really hilarious & I like how she is so straight forward and transparent, showing all the absurdities she has to face almost daily, and the hypocrisy in the society she has to deal with.I like the funny parts & the way she describes them in detail is hilarious, well she's a typical Egyptian girl, so she sure doesn't lack the Egyptian sarcasm. At the same time I feel for her to have dealt with such people, and feeling obliged to, or else she will be frowned at and marked with shame

I felt that Ghada is more like talking and telling me about her stories.Loved the simplicity and the intellegant criticism in the book.I laughed a lot while reading the situations the author was put through. Its a worth keeping one, planning to read it all over again.

I started reading this book and couldn't let go till last page! The author highlighted key issues faced by the young generation in Egypt and probably shared with other nations as well, in a simple yet funny way. Must read, I found the ending very inspirational, specially for 30+ single ladies ;)


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