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Original Title: Sea of Silver Light
ISBN: 0641645473 (ISBN13: 9780641645471)
Series: Otherland #4
Books Online Free Sea of Silver Light (Otherland #4) Download
Sea of Silver Light (Otherland #4) Hardcover | Pages: 688 pages
Rating: 4.14 | 12771 Users | 278 Reviews

Particularize Appertaining To Books Sea of Silver Light (Otherland #4)

Title:Sea of Silver Light (Otherland #4)
Author:Tad Williams
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 688 pages
Published:April 10th 2001 by DAW Hardcover
Categories:Fantasy. Science Fiction. Fiction

Representaion Concering Books Sea of Silver Light (Otherland #4)

This book, the fourth in a four-book fantasy series, is an amazing example of how a good idea can be stretched and diluted until it is no longer pleasurable to read. There is nothing particularly wrong with the Otherland series. The ideas are interesting, the execution is fairly creative, some of the characters are competently developed, etc. But it is clear that the objective of the author (and the editor/publisher) was to create a large series (measured by the heft of the books and the number of trees killed), rather than to tell a good story. This could have been a fantastic effort if edited to about a 1000 pages or so. But the padding and circumlocution required to turn it into four 1000-page books makes reading it annoying. Instead of more things happening, you have the same number of plot events stretched slowly out. The style of the chapters, in which we return again and again for brief glimpses of the action, only makes the sense of non-action worse. I will say this - if you were on some kind of long vacation, or holed up in a room for a while, or whatever, and you wanted something to read, this series would kill a lot of time. Otherwise, you have things to do with your life.

Rating Appertaining To Books Sea of Silver Light (Otherland #4)
Ratings: 4.14 From 12771 Users | 278 Reviews

Criticize Appertaining To Books Sea of Silver Light (Otherland #4)
Compelling characters and a plotline that could be the envy of any writer. Best books I've read in a good while. The teenage netslang was a bit off sometimes, but that's not why I gave the last book of the Otherland series 4 stars - it's the ending. Everybody gets their reward, all the baddies are duly punished :yawn: a bit like Sunday school. It sort of killed the whole story for me. SPOILERDid the author absolutely have to resurrect Orlando? He was one of my favorite characters and when Sam

This book was a royal mindfuck and I wouldn't have hated it except that the ending was horrible and sucked a barrel of dicks.That stupid religious lady babbling about the computer star children at the end was one of the fucking stupidest things I have ever read in my life, and I have read a few pages of the Left Behind series.That having been said there are a couple of really cool explosions, so two stars you get, Mr. Williams. Bravo on at least giving us that much. I guess...

I really loved the first book of the Otherland quartet, City of Golden Shadow, which was deliriously crammed with cool ideas about the near future and old culture. Which is why Sea of Silver Light leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth: on its own, it would just be a grey slog with painstakingly explains its every charm into the ground, but as the culmination of a once promising series, it's an insult. There is no lacking for closure in this book; closure lurks around every corner, but the

And with the final volume, Williams loses me. 300 pages of overwritten, tripish, hyper-explained and muddled plot through bizarre fantasy worlds that just seem to be there for the authors enjoyment really pissed me off, and Im throwing in the towel, feeling like Ive wasted the last month of my life reading a story that Ive not come to care about in any gorram way. I will not read anything else that he has written, and I cannot see how so many people find this volume of the series to be so

This book, the fourth in a four-book fantasy series, is an amazing example of how a good idea can be stretched and diluted until it is no longer pleasurable to read. There is nothing particularly wrong with the Otherland series. The ideas are interesting, the execution is fairly creative, some of the characters are competently developed, etc. But it is clear that the objective of the author (and the editor/publisher) was to create a large series (measured by the heft of the books and the number

This is one of the worst books I have ever read.Its particularly bad because the series started with such amazing promise; the first book is literally brilliant. The next two were pretty mediocre; well-written, but ultimately travelogue-fantasy without any plot. Characters just stumbled from interesting locale to interesting locale and ended up right back where they started from. But this last book is terrible. I was literally shouting out loud in the street when I read the climax, it was that

At last I've finished rereading this magnum opus. (Somehow, Goodreads deleted my January 2005 approximate date of original reading, and I've no idea how to put it back). This final volume, at just over a thousand pages, required even more of an arduous effort than any of its predecessors in the series, and though there were certain high points along the way, the overall impression I had was an overwhelmingly tepid one.Williams REALLY made an effort with this book and with the series in general

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