Books The Second Jungle Book (The Jungle Book #2) Free Download Online

Books The Second Jungle Book (The Jungle Book #2) Free Download Online
The Second Jungle Book (The Jungle Book #2) Paperback | Pages: 142 pages
Rating: 3.83 | 3064 Users | 165 Reviews

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Title:The Second Jungle Book (The Jungle Book #2)
Author:Rudyard Kipling
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 142 pages
Published:November 3rd 2006 by Doubleday (first published 1895)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. Short Stories. Childrens. Fantasy

Commentary Toward Books The Second Jungle Book (The Jungle Book #2)

"I am by nature a dealer in words, and words are the most powerful drug known to humanity." - Rudyard Kipling What a feast for the mind and the eye. Vibrant and thoughtful, Kipling chose his words with intent to deliver this captivating and provocative piece, sequel to The Jungle Book, turning worldview from humans to animals of the jungle and we can all learn from it. How Fear Came The stream is shrunk – the pool is dry, And we be comrades, thou and I; With fevered jowl and dusty flank Each jostling each along the bank; And by one drouthy fear made still, Forging thought of quest to kill. Now ‘neath his dam the fawn may see, The lean Pack-wolf as cowed as he, And the tall buck, unflinching, note The fangs that tore his father’s throat. The pools are shrunk – the streams are dry, And we the playmates, though and I, Till yonder cloud – Good Hunting! – loose The rain that breaks our Water Truce. Joseph Rudyard Kipling, Nobel Prize winner in Literature in 1907 begins The Second Jungle Book with “The Law of the Jungle – which is by far the oldest law in the world – has arranged for almost every kind of accident that may befall the Jungle People, till now its code is as perfect as time and custom can make it.” He begins to explain how fear became in mythical ways and historically as the animals gather around the drought ridden land telling stories of the past. How did Sher Khan become the most feared predator of the land yet is cursed with the markings of the jungle as his ancestors betrayed a Truce between humans and animals long ago. “When ye say to Tabaqui, ‘My brother!’ when ye call the Hyena to meat, Ye may cry the Full Truce with Jacala – the Belly that runs on four feet” The Jungle Law, The Undertakers Each animal in turn talks about their point of view of the story and the things they remember. The drought is a difficult one…for humans as for the animals. They talk about men that were cave dwellers to men that came on boats and ships. They have learned to fear the men and their weapons. The drought will lead humans to the same water holes as the animals. Their council is wise and they must seek solutions before turning into savage beasts. Mowgli and our beloved animal friends Bagheera, Baloo and yes, even Kaa and Sher Khan are all aging. Kipling seemed to have a keen understanding of the process of appreciation for a life long lived as the animals so wisely speak of the things they have seen and done in their life, all the while needing to pass on their knowledge to the next generation. It is rather humbling how true and sincere these subtle nuances are expressed emphatically and gentle, yet they hit the mark precise and perfectly. Kipling moves on, interspersing songs, quotes and poems into the fabric of the novel. Each of them are food for thought that leads the reader with new clues down a new path of life and Mowgli’s story with a few other random ones featured as well. This particular edition had some old black and white prints, captioned with verse throughout the novel or at the beginning of chapters. For younger readers, there is a quiz and a glossary at the end of the book. I thought this was really a rather humbling novel. I have a dog that is aging right now, and the full circle of life is so well demonstrated in this novel and it’s happening right in front of my eyes…making it bitter sweet in my case. This novel has only 139 reviews on GR, which seems so underrated to me. I guess we all know the Jungle Book in one way or another from childhood or Disney movies and perhaps that is all most care to know. I myself included…until I just so picked up this book and what a surprise. Reading up on Kipling’s life and his works I realized that I have misjudged anything I knew before about the Jungle Book or its origins. Which was very little I have to say. I am sadly ashamed to have never actually read the original Jungle book but mostly the children’s illustrated versions when I was a kid or just browsing bookcases and glancing through. This needs to be mended on my part and I am intending to read some other works from this brilliant mind whose prose and voice are full of wisdom and simply brilliant. If you can set a stigma you may have of the popularized version of the Jungle Book aside and you want to read something classic that holds truth in the wisdom expressed through different kinds of living things and that makes you think, give this a try. No prior knowledge necessary. And after that, perhaps, try the first book. That’s what I am planning to do. Enjoy PS, I also have to admit that I saw parts of the newest movie of the Jungle Book the other day and loved it. Perhaps the best movie version I ever saw. It is part of what prompted me to just so pick this book up. Otherwise, I may never would have, but I am glad I did. As always, Happy Reading Pics and quotes to the book can be found here:

Present Books Concering The Second Jungle Book (The Jungle Book #2)

Original Title: The Second Jungle Book
ISBN: 140694632X (ISBN13: 9781406946321)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Jungle Book #2
Characters: Mowgli (Rudyard Kipling), Bagheera (Rudyard Kipling), Baloo (Rudyard Kipling), Shere Kan, Kaa

Rating Out Of Books The Second Jungle Book (The Jungle Book #2)
Ratings: 3.83 From 3064 Users | 165 Reviews

Evaluate Out Of Books The Second Jungle Book (The Jungle Book #2)
I first read these short stories a couple of years ago, but I just recently read some of them to my children. I enjoy them, but there were some complaints about how slow some of the stories seemed to move. If you liked the first Jungle Book, (which is still in print; this one isn't) you'll like this book, as well. Incidentally, the contrast between the Mowgli featured in most of the stories in this book and the Mowgli of Disney fame is even starker that it was in the first collection. In these

Again, I prefer the non-Mowgli stories. I'm afraid I've outgrown the Master of the Jungle (ha!). Reading it this time, I got the feeling that by the last story Kipling had too.

If you time it correctly, both Jungle Books can hit you perfectly at just the right age. I think that's how they were for me as a kid. The first is a great adventure story, and the second is a level up, sadder and about growing up and everything. I need to make two detours here, the first regarding why I needed to re-read it.About a year ago, this tree I loved was cut down. I'm kind of weird about plants, comes from growing up a loner with a well-wooded acre to play in. Anyway, I get in a fit

I've been in love with Kipling ever since I stumbled across Just So Stories as a kid. And this volume just serves to cement the infatuation. At the end, you're just left with this deep ache that he never intended to write a third Jungle Book.

In the beginning, this book was quite confusing for me. But as I read on, it became clearer and clearer what the theme of, not just Mowglis story, but other characters stories was. Kipling, yet again, definitely didnt miss the mark for me. Although, there are some sections in this book I found non-contributing to the plot line, I still think they were cute additions to the story, re-enforcing that theme of growth again. The best part about it? You dont even need to read the first book. While,

For those of us who grew up with the Disney version -- this literally Part II of the movie. What I found interesting was the parts that weren't included in the Disney version. This was true of both the books.

Just as with The Jungle Book. Rudyard Kipling's Second Jungle Book is a mixed bag of stories, with the best being the tales of Mowgli. When he saw that I was reading SJB, a fraternity brother and fellow Goodreads member commented that "The King's Anku" read like a proto-Conan story, and I must say that story does have a heavy Robert E. Howard flavor to it, and obviously shows the influence Kipling had on Howard's writing. But Kipling's influence goes beyond REH; all the Mowgli stories are very

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