Books Seven Years to Sin Free Download

Books Seven Years to Sin  Free Download
Seven Years to Sin Paperback | Pages: 341 pages
Rating: 3.88 | 18083 Users | 1126 Reviews

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Original Title: Seven Years to Sin
ISBN: 0758290411 (ISBN13: 9780758290410)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Jessica Sheffield, Alistair Lucius Caulfield

Description Supposing Books Seven Years to Sin

Nunca a rendição foi tão doce. Numa noite quente de verão, a apenas algumas horas do seu casamento, a discreta Lady Jessica Sheffield testemunhou uma cena da qual nunca irá recuperar. Vê o jovem Alistair Caufield numa cena ferozmente íntima com uma mulher muito mais velha. Chocada, mas estranhamente excitada, ela manteve silêncio sobre o que viu, e caminhou até ao altar como esperado. Mas, ao longo de anos de um casamento sereno e normal, a imagem de Caulfield continuou na sua imaginação, alimentando sonhos muito ilícitos... Alistair fugiu da tentação da debutante recatada com o fogo da paixão nos olhos para as Índias Ocidentais. Enquanto comerciante bem-sucedido, tem pouco em comum com o jovem libertino que ela conhecia. Mas quando, sete anos depois, a recém-viúva Jessica sobe a bordo do seu navio para uma viagem até à Jamaica, os sete anos de prazeres negados são mantidos em xeque apenas por algumas camadas de seda... e pela certeza de que renderem-se irá consumir os dois...

Declare Based On Books Seven Years to Sin

Title:Seven Years to Sin
Author:Sylvia Day
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:reissue
Pages:Pages: 341 pages
Published:August 28th 2012 by Kensington Trade (first published 2011)
Categories:Romance. Historical Romance. Historical. Adult Fiction. Erotica. Adult

Rating Based On Books Seven Years to Sin
Ratings: 3.88 From 18083 Users | 1126 Reviews

Column Based On Books Seven Years to Sin
Story Rating 5 starsCharacter Rating 5 starsRomance Rating 5 starsHeat Level 4.5 out of 5Overall Rating 5+Sylvia Day IS BACK! I was worried going into this book that it was not going to be a good one because her last book disappointed me so much. Well I must say for me that worry was a total waste of time. This book was absolutely FANTASTIC. I loved it so well that my overall rating was a 5+.ALL of the characters in this book were very well done. The story line was very good and had a secondary

There is lot to recommend this book......Hot sex. I'll get that right out of the way. Sylvia Day was the very first writer I'd ever read where I noticed that some historical romances were getting much more explicitly sexual. She always manages to write hot sexy scenes without them sounding, well, over the top crude....Great heroine back-story. Jessica, the heroine, was physically abused, is barren and likes to drink a little too much. ...Great hero back-story. Alistair the hero is the (bastard)

What I liked the most about this book was that it didn't have the typical traits of historical romances. A ship instead of society setting for H/h relationship, no misunderstandings, a widow with a happy past marriage, characters with realistic social pressures, secondary romance with also realistic progress, an alternate solution for hero's predicament to become a Duke which showed his true commitment to the heroine. I didn't like the flourished writing style the author used but by the first

THE WRITING When I first realized my love of adult romance, I devoured any and all historical romance that I could get my hands on. I learned pretty early on that sex scenes in historical love stories could go really downhill, really fast. Im one of those HR junkies that abhors purple prose and flowery love scenes and eventually hit a dry spell. But when I had seen that notorious erotic romance writer Sylvia Day had written a historical romance series, well, I was too curious to pass up the

Feminist agenda in a Regency woman written in such an artificially stilted language it squeaked. With porn-level and porn-style sex. Pretty yucky.

3 - 3.5 StarsI loved the characters especially the passionate and heart baring Alistair. He never wavered, never strayed, he gave his heart to Jess and no matter the obstacles he faced he was too in love to ever give her up. Sylvia Day writes some of the hottest historicals I have ever read and it is very true with this story too. I felt the first half was a little slow, but still good. Once they returned to England it just took off for me. Also the secondary love story between Hester and

Seven Years to Sin by Sylvia DayAlistair Caulfield has harbored a love for Lady Jessica Sheffield for many years, but many factors made that love unattainable. He being younger, and the 4th son of a duke and duchess, there was no role for him. Alistair is quite a free spirit, making his own way in the world at a young age and building his own fortune by whatever means necessary. On the eve of Jessicas wedding, she is walking her dog for the evening and comes across Alistair engaged in a

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