Download 1Q84 #1-2 (1Q84 #1-2) Books Online Free

Download 1Q84 #1-2 (1Q84 #1-2) Books Online Free
1Q84 #1-2 (1Q84 #1-2) Kindle Edition | Pages: 628 pages
Rating: 4.08 | 17563 Users | 1417 Reviews

List Based On Books 1Q84 #1-2 (1Q84 #1-2)

Title:1Q84 #1-2 (1Q84 #1-2)
Author:Haruki Murakami
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 628 pages
Published:October 18th 2011 by Vintage Digital (first published May 29th 2009)
Categories:Fiction. Fantasy. Cultural. Japan. Asian Literature. Japanese Literature

Commentary In Favor Of Books 1Q84 #1-2 (1Q84 #1-2)

The year is 1984 and the city is Tokyo.

A young woman named Aomame follows a taxi driver’s enigmatic suggestion and begins to notice puzzling discrepancies in the world around her. She has entered, she realizes, a parallel existence, which she calls 1Q84 —“Q is for ‘question mark.’ A world that bears a question.” Meanwhile, an aspiring writer named Tengo takes on a suspect ghostwriting project. He becomes so wrapped up with the work and its unusual author that, soon, his previously placid life begins to come unraveled.

A love story, a mystery, a fantasy, a novel of self-discovery, a dystopia to rival George Orwell’s—1Q84 is Haruki Murakami’s most ambitious undertaking yet: an instant best seller in his native Japan, and a tremendous feat of imagination from one of our most revered contemporary writers

Declare Books Supposing 1Q84 #1-2 (1Q84 #1-2)

Original Title: 1Q84 Books 1-2 ASIN B005EWDA9M
Edition Language: English
Series: 1Q84 #1-2
Characters: Aomame Masami, Tengo Kawana, Fuka-Eri, Komatsu, Professor Ebisuno, Tsubasa, Old Lady, Tamaru, Ayumi, Kyoko Yasada, Aomame, Tengo Kawana
Setting: Tokyo,1984(Japan)
Literary Awards: Man Asian Literary Prize Nominee (2011), Independent Foreign Fiction Prize Nominee for Longlist (2012), 本屋大賞 for 10th place (2010)

Rating Based On Books 1Q84 #1-2 (1Q84 #1-2)
Ratings: 4.08 From 17563 Users | 1417 Reviews

Comment On Based On Books 1Q84 #1-2 (1Q84 #1-2)
This is a really enjoyable book. It's dreamy, easy to read yet substantial in scope, mysterious, different and intriguing. The characters and their roles will mystify and interest you. They circle around each other yet don't touch, alike yet different, the same yet opposites. Murakami spins their story flawlessly. At the end, it's still mysterious but also satisfying. This won't be the last of Murakami's books that I read.

I can't really give this book a proper review seeing as I've only completed 2/3s of it so far - but I FEEL like I've climbed a mountain these past 3 weeks! Murakami's prose is spot on as usual, and the story itself is completely bizarre and intriguing - probably the most heavy magical realism I've read from him so far. I really enjoy the dual perspective, but I still have so many questions. I doubt (from what I've heard) that they'll be cleared up in the third volume but I'm still intrigued to

If you can't understand it without an explanation, you can't understand it with an explanation.An oft repeated phrase throughout the first two books of what has been described as Haruki Murakami's magnum opus by an overly enthusiastic reviewer desperate to get a quote on the cover of the book, and one that obviously works as a message to the reader confused by the lack of explanation for events throughout the novel.Being only two thirds through the novel at this stage I cannot provide a full

Amazing. Only Haruki Murakami could have written this.

1Q84 is not a good book. At all.I cannot understand the hype surrounding this book. The storyline wasn't bad in itself but1Q84 reads like the fantasy of a sad, balding (you'll understand) ageing man. Leaving to one side Murakami's breast obsession-and, in fact, I don't think there's a single female character who's breasts I couldn't give you a detailed account of-it was the author's handling of female characters that truly bothered me. Aomame, the female protagonist, an assassin who in her free

it's hard for me to have a definite opinion on this book as i still have to read the third part but this was worth a 5 stars, what a surreal and fun book! i hope all of the remaining questions find answers in the last part though

I've been on the Murakami bandwagon since a friend introduced me to the Wind-Up Bird, but I am now officially getting off.The core idea has so much potential, but it drowns - screaming - in a sea of inept, boring, repetitive language. I was literally scratching my head wondering how this book escaped a ruthless editing. There is no justification - other than author laziness and/or vanity - for this book to be so damn long. I was so surprised at the mediocrity of the prose that I kept wondering

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