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Original Title: Magnificat (Galactic Milieu Trilogy, #3)
ISBN: 0345362497 (ISBN13: 9780345362490)
Edition Language: English
Series: Galactic Milieu Trilogy #3
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Magnificat (Galactic Milieu Trilogy #3) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 432 pages
Rating: 4.21 | 3211 Users | 46 Reviews

Present Out Of Books Magnificat (Galactic Milieu Trilogy #3)

Title:Magnificat (Galactic Milieu Trilogy #3)
Author:Julian May
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 432 pages
Published:April 20th 2011 by Del Rey (first published 1995)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction Fantasy

Ilustration Toward Books Magnificat (Galactic Milieu Trilogy #3)

The eagerly awaited finale of a modern SF classic--May's Galactic Milieu Trilogy, which began with Jack the Bodiless and continued with Diamond Mask. The mystery involving Jack the Bodiless, the metaphysically talented Dorothea, and Fury, the insane metaphysic creature determined to become sole ruler over all humankind, explodes anew. At last, the momentous secret at the heart of the trilogy is revealed.

From the Hardcover edition.

Rating Out Of Books Magnificat (Galactic Milieu Trilogy #3)
Ratings: 4.21 From 3211 Users | 46 Reviews

Evaluation Out Of Books Magnificat (Galactic Milieu Trilogy #3)
Got a bit weird at points but definitely an enjoyable read. It is interesting how Julian had tried to pull together the ending into a sense of justice whilst being consistent with the milieu non-violent approach. I did feel like the ending could have done with more detail though the book does end with a couple of things unexplained. Would recommend this series.

Oh, I'd award this six stars if I could! The best - bar none - scifi series I've yet read, and Ive now read it three times, and each time found something new about it.In a few years time, I've no doubt I'll read it a fourth time.

A magnificent end to an epic, sweeping saga.The world is nearly ready for Unity and the Rebel factions are gaining momentum in opposition to the Milieu.Jack the bodiless and Dorothea MacDonald are fighting Jack's brother Marc who takes up the reins of the Rebel faction and supposedly wants Earth to retain its individuality and not join the Milieu in Unity but beneath all the Rebel dogma he is fomenting a secret plan of his own to advance the human race into a society of fully operant and

A new star is born and an Angel of the Abyss rises, an old rogue gets a second chance. There is something for everyone. No wonder this series is both a beginning and end, it holds a special place in my heart.

Speaking from a plot standpoint, if you've read the other Galactic Milieu / Pliocene Exile books, there are few surprises in store for you. The Rebellion arrives, characters die, and the saga of the Remillards comes to an end. I felt as if there should have been more of an emotional payoff since I was pretty invested in the first volume, but May had to spend too much time resolving Fury/Hydra to give Jack and Dorothea their due. It would be nice to talk with someone about Unity/Rebellion one

Finally, the end of this epic . . . no, that sounds as if I am glad it is over. Not so, though the whole thing (eight large volumes!) does leave one with a certain feeling of relief when the end is reached, simply because of its size!Here, at last are some resolutions, some tying of loose ends. Four stars - it deserves that at least, just for getting me to the end of something so large. And the epic that this is part of is, in my opinion, the best stuff May has written (I haven't yet written

Despite very much liking the two preceding books - Jack the Bodiless and Diamond Mask - I was very put off by this one. The writing seemed pedantic and the story disjoint. Maybe I should have read the Saga books first? Thoughts from those who've read the entire spread of books set in this universe?

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