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Original Title: Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson, #1)
ISBN: 1416589422 (ISBN13: 9781416589426)
Edition Language: English
Series: Jane Jameson #1
Characters: Jane Jameson, Gabriel Nightengale, Zeb, Dick Cheney
Setting: Kentucky(United States)
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Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson #1) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 355 pages
Rating: 3.91 | 22321 Users | 1818 Reviews

Point Out Of Books Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson #1)

Title:Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson #1)
Author:Molly Harper
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 355 pages
Published:March 31st 2009 by Pocket Star
Categories:Paranormal. Vampires. Fantasy. Romance. Paranormal Romance. Urban Fantasy

Rendition During Books Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson #1)

Maybe it was the Shenanigans gift certificate that put her over the edge. When children's librarian and self-professed nice girl Jane Jameson is fired by her beastly boss and handed twenty-five dollars in potato skins instead of a severance check, she goes on a bender that's sure to become Half Moon Hollow legend. On her way home, she's mistaken for a deer, shot, and left for dead. And thanks to the mysterious stranger she met while chugging neon-colored cocktails, she wakes up with a decidedly unladylike thirst for blood. Jane is now the latest recipient of a gift basket from the Newly Undead Welcoming Committee, and her life-after-lifestyle is taking some getting used to. Her recently deceased favorite aunt is now her ghostly roommate. She has to fake breathing and endure daytime hours to avoid coming out of the coffin to her family. She's forced to forgo her favorite down-home Southern cooking for bags of O negative. Her relationship with her sexy, mercurial vampire sire keeps running hot and cold. And if all that wasn't enough, it looks like someone in Half Moon Hollow is trying to frame her for a series of vampire murders. What's a nice undead girl to do?

Rating Out Of Books Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson #1)
Ratings: 3.91 From 22321 Users | 1818 Reviews

Weigh Up Out Of Books Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson #1)
I have heard lovely things about this book and I started it with Great Expectations...Then I had a strange reading experience .What I liked : JaneJane was a librarian who got turned in a very embarassing manner. She loved, books, trivia, pizza and her dog Fitz.Her family was eccentric and interesting, her dad was a supportive professor, her mother was a Savant at being passive aggressive, she had the sister from hell and she was closest to her Aunt Jettie.GabrielHe was Jane's sire, patient,

The little dot that sits on top of the i is called a 'tittle'. I don't know how I went through my entire life without this piece of information but I'm now planning to slip it into conversation somewhere.Like this book could have been great but it's like the author wrote a perfect sentence and left out her tittles.It's not that I actually had any expectations for this book. The title is Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs and it has a kind of trashy cover. I was really just impressed that it didn't

I'm sorry. I just couldn't do it. Finish it, that is. The book just wasn't for me. Sucks, really, considering it had things that I normally like: sarcasm, sass, funny. However, I just couldn't take things serious. Or I couldn't take Jane serious. Also, I have a feeling that this type of humor just didn't work for me. At least not this time. I just didn't find it all that funny, and ended up skimming. AND there was way too much information. Way too much. It became quick boring. Plus, the male

This is a fun, light and funny read. Molly Harper pokes fun at the paranormal romance genre in this, the first book in the half moon hollow series starring our heroin, Jane, a newly fired childrens librarian, newly turned vampire and self described girl with Jane Austen issues. The characters are hilarious but also recognizable staples for anyone whos ever spent time in a small town, especially one in the south. From Janes new vampire buddy, Dick Cheney, the consummate man whore to missy, the

You all know that I'm a funny-whore. Not a whore that is funny. I'm too old to whore - nobody wants to buy what I'd be selling. It's the equivalent of buying a really really old used car. And not one of those classic cool older cars. More like one that was previously owned by a large family whose kids had incontinence problems, then a chain-smoking stunt man with incontinence problems, and then a gang who used it to do drive-bys while having incontinence problems. So, when I say I'm a

Audio Book ReviewRegarding the Story:Nice Girls Dont Have Fangs is the first book in Molly Harpers Jane Jameson series, a cross between Contemporary and Paranormal Romance, with just a tiny hint of Chick-Lit. Jane Jameson is an unemployed librarian and newly turned vampire, living in the quirky small town of Half Moon Hollow. Vampires have been out of the closet for a while now, and in this first book of the series, we follow Jane as she acclimates to her life as an undead. There are plenty of

So. I made it to 74% before I called it quits. I actually enjoyed it up till then for the most part but it started to disappoint me the farther I went along.This feels like a revamped (hah) version of True Blood. Southern, racism issues, a kinda creepy obsessed male love interest who murders people as acts of love. It's also very funny, definitely my sense of humor.But I was disappointed in the sense that even though all these serious topics kept coming up, it never went deeper than a witty quip

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