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Original Title: Sideways
ISBN: 0312342519 (ISBN13: 9780312342517)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Sideways Trilogy #1
Characters: Maya, Jack Cole, Stephanie Logan, Miles Raymond
Setting: Santa Ynez, California(United States)
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Sideways (The Sideways Trilogy #1) Paperback | Pages: 368 pages
Rating: 3.7 | 5027 Users | 580 Reviews

Particularize Containing Books Sideways (The Sideways Trilogy #1)

Title:Sideways (The Sideways Trilogy #1)
Author:Rex Pickett
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 368 pages
Published:October 1st 2004 by St. Martin's Griffin (first published June 2004)
Categories:Fiction. Humor. Audiobook. Contemporary

Explanation Concering Books Sideways (The Sideways Trilogy #1)

Sideways is the story of two friends--Miles and Jack--going away together for the last time to steep themselves in everything that makes it good to be young and single: pinot, putting, and prowling bars. In the week before Jack plans to marry, the pair heads out from Los Angeles to the Santa Ynez wine country. For Jack, the tasting tour is Seven Days to D-Day, his final stretch of freedom. For Miles--who has divorced his wife, is facing an uncertain career and has lost his passion for living--the trip is a weeklong opportunity to evaluate his past, his future and himself.

A raucous and surprising novel filled with wonderful details about wine, Sideways is also a thought-provoking and funny book about men, women, and human relationships.

Rating Containing Books Sideways (The Sideways Trilogy #1)
Ratings: 3.7 From 5027 Users | 580 Reviews

Criticize Containing Books Sideways (The Sideways Trilogy #1)
Irrelevant, but amusing: It took me far too long to realize that I was listening to this audiobook on shuffle.

I loved this movie and really enjoyed the book as well. There aren't any grand literary themes at work, but it is a well-written, darkly funny road trip book and I find those compulsively readable.

Let's get this out of the way up front: the movie was much better than the book. Objectively, Sideways deserves only two stars, and that's really pushing it. I mean, this is a book that contains this sentence: "Maudlin classic rock for the 70's saccharined [sic] the emptiness with its plangent strains, further sickening me." Seriously, come on. However, for completely subjective reasons that really have nothing to do with the book, I'm giving it three stars. I'm just that kind of reviewer.

Choosing the number of stars on this one was hard. It's basically a well written train wreck! The trouble that Miles and Jack get into is absurd and outlandish but....I could not stop reading (or listening rather, to the audiobook). I can't say that I personally related to either of them but at the same time I couldn't give up on it. I had to find out how it ended! Final thoughts:I have a rekindled interest in wine. I am not at all surprised this is now a movie. That said, I'm not particularly

So. . .I really liked this book! I think it was Miles I liked best. I have to say that I just love the way he talks :) I'm a sucker for a smarty-pants with a good vocabulary. However, don't be surprised -- this book is really coarse. I couldn't think of another word to describe it than that -- I think it's most apt. The way sex is described and the use of the "F" word are definitely in your face, but it's still a fascinating story.The idea of one last fling before a wedding is nothing new, and

When the film "Sideways" was released in 2004, it became a sleeper hit, launching from initial arthouse status to worldwide acclaim. And for good reasons: the writing and acting are superb, the wine theme is interesting enough to lure in oenophiles without being inaccessible for folks who know nothing about "drinking grape", and the interplay between Paul Giamatti and Thomas Hayden Church is flat-out fantastic. Why a sequel was never made is beyond me.As conventional wisdom goes, a film

When "Sideways" came out a few years ago, I remembered promising myself to read the book; given that I thought the movie was generally pretty interesting, and that it (rather, Alexander Payne) won an Oscar for best adapted screenplay, I figured it would be worth taking a look at the source I wouldn't say that Rex Pickett's oenophilic buddy novel was terrible or anything, but I really don't see how Alexander Payne saw the kernel of a great story in this vapid, moribund homage

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