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Original Title: The Story About Ping
ISBN: 0448421658 (ISBN13: 9780448421650)
Edition Language: English
Setting: China
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The Story About Ping Paperback | Pages: 32 pages
Rating: 4.16 | 40116 Users | 492 Reviews

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Title:The Story About Ping
Author:Marjorie Flack
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 32 pages
Published:August 28th 2000 by Grosset & Dunlap (first published 1933)
Categories:Childrens. Picture Books. Fiction

Interpretation Toward Books The Story About Ping

Ping was an adventurous duck who lived on a beautiful wise-eyed boat on the Yangtze River. He liked his life on the riverboat just and liked his large family and his kind master. He didn't like to be the last in line to board the boat at night, for that unlucky duck got a loud spank. So what did Ping do when it seemed that he would be the last on line? What else but set out on his own to explore the fascinating world of life on the Yangtze River.
The Story about Ping is one of the best-loved and enduring children's books, both for its spirited and irrepressible hero and for its beautiful evocation of a distant land and way of life. Every child can sympathize with a dawdling duck who wants to avoid a spanking, and share his excitement and wonder as he sails down the river.

Rating Out Of Books The Story About Ping
Ratings: 4.16 From 40116 Users | 492 Reviews

Discuss Out Of Books The Story About Ping
Other than Russell Hoban's "Frances" series, this book is my favorite childhood memory. It foretold a life of distraction, rebellion, waywardness, all nighters, and the last duck home swat. I was fortunate enough to buy a Signed, First Edition this book at auction. It is a treasured possession.

The classic book, The Story about Ping, is a page turner, featuring a little yellow duck, who, in fear of receiving punishment, hides from it, only to meet something much more sinister. The theme of the book is a combination of the grass isnt always greener on the other side, you dont know what you have until its gone, and theres no place like home. Ping, who is personified with human-like feelings, is late arriving to his familys boat one afternoon. He knows that the last duck across the

I read this book because it was on my school's pillars of character reading list for responsibility. I would never have picked it on my own and I don't think I'll be reading it to students. The duckling is being irresponsible by not going back to the boat with his family because he didn't want to get smacked. I guess the message is supposed to be not to shirk your duty because you are afraid of consequences, but these don't seem like warranted consequences to me. The guy wanted to smack a duck

I chanced upon this while trying to send a childrens book to my friend. The illustrations drew me in - not often that you find Chinese illustrations in a childrens book! The Story About Ping, is simplistic enough - but dig deeper and you can find so many layers of meaning behind it. Ping is afraid of a spanking and that fear drives him to a series of misadventures. What if we dont fear at all? Thats what Ping realizes at the end of this little tale. What I dont like? Come on - the spanking! Not

❤d!! My kids were rapt with attention.

I was surprised to find a humane message hiding in this childrens classic. For those unfamiliar with the story, Ping is a duckling who lives on a boat in Yangtze River along with a flock of his relatives. Every day, the ducks are allowed to leave the boat to go about their business, but every evening they return to the boat and the ducks owner spanks the last duck aboard with what looks like a long switch. (The mans reason for keeping the ducks in the first place is not addressed.)Immediately,

I read this because it's on my daughter's five in a row book list for home schooling. I'm sure it was a great children's book during the time of it's publication but it's pretty dated and insensitive by today's standards. My child found the animal story and the information about China interesting but was to disturbed about the boat owner hitting the duck to get the moral of it at all. He runs away to escape being whacked as the last duck on the boat, then gets in danger, escapes, finds his

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