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Author:أحمد مراد
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 402 pages
Published:2008 by دار ميريت (first published August 2007)
Categories:Novels. Fiction. Northern Africa. Egypt. Mystery. Crime. Literature. Thriller
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ڤيرتيجو Paperback | Pages: 402 pages
Rating: 3.71 | 24596 Users | 1708 Reviews

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منذ سقط الحارس الأول ضغط بأعصابه على زر التصوير ولم يرفعه مسجلاً لآخر لقطة فى حياة هشام فتحى حتى مرت الرصاصة بجانبه فأصابت أذنيه بأزيز أعقبه صمم موقت فأفاق من تركيزه فى منظار الكاميرا وتملكه الرعب من أن يلحظ أحد وجوده فسحب شنطة الكاميرا وإلتصق بالحائط، فى اللحظة التى كان فيها المهاجم الثالث يسقط البارمان الذى ركض إلى الحمام بطلقتين فى ظهره وتوجه لحسام منير الذى وقف متسمراً خلف البيانو، نظر فى عينيه مباشرة للحظة بدت كساعة زمن ثم رفع فوهة مسدسه ناحيته فى نفس اللحظة التى حول حسام نظره ناحية الشرفة التى إستقر فيها أحمد باحثاً بحدقتيه عن الأخير

Itemize Books Conducive To ڤيرتيجو

Original Title: ڤيرتيجو
Edition Language: Arabic
Setting: Cairo(Egypt)

Rating Of Books ڤيرتيجو
Ratings: 3.71 From 24596 Users | 1708 Reviews

Discuss Of Books ڤيرتيجو
very ordinary story like all the common stories in our Egyptian Drama, it shows the hero of the story as a so freaking smart such that he can beat all his enemies and the enemies of the county who are, as usual, corrupted, frankly, nothing is new about this book that will urge me to read for the same writer again.beside, the way, the writer took the Muslims picture with, is the same way that we always see in our movies and series nowadays, he shed light only on the narrow minded people who

It could work as a well-written script for a movie, nothing impressive. The imagery is void and subtle,It also lacks most of the elements of a good-structured novel. Given implications and depth in meaning, none of which were found. Only the simulated-realistic incidents are the only good turnout.

Not bad at all for a first novel. I think we can expect more mature trials from this tallented writer in the near future. His writing style is kinda funny although it sometimes lacks structure. Unfortunaly, there are a lot of typos in the novel which should have been caught and corrected in revision.As for the content of the novel, I believe the characters are very real ... there are quite some characters you can totally relate to a real-life person in a way that makes writers always claim that

It's really hard to find an author who writes about society's problems, standards and political corruption without boring you to death, especially when the reader is part of that society and knows/lives what is happening around him. But, Ahmad Mourad's Vertigo is an exception. Vertigo takes the society's double standards and old regime's corruption to a whole 'other level. Mourad's perspective and way of looking and analyzing the pre-Jan25 Egypt deserves a look at. He really knows how to tell a

Taking into consideration that Ahmed Mourad was actually Mubarak's personal photographer and had the guts back then to publish something like that is just epic. It's the kind of story that you just sink into.. So real to the extent that its reality condemns you.. Ahmed Mourad deserves kudos for having to put up with this dual life. One final note: the resemblance between the author and the protagonist was just cute (:

I love this book very much.

So accurate ! so true so Egyptian

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