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Original Title: The Dolphins of Pern
ISBN: 0345419383 (ISBN13: 9780345419385)
Edition Language: English
Series: Pern #13, Pern (Chronological Order) #24
Characters: T'lion, Readis
Literary Awards: SFBC Award (1994)
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The Dolphins of Pern (Pern #13) Paperback | Pages: 352 pages
Rating: 3.97 | 16287 Users | 249 Reviews

Define Based On Books The Dolphins of Pern (Pern #13)

Title:The Dolphins of Pern (Pern #13)
Author:Anne McCaffrey
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 352 pages
Published:September 10th 1997 by Del Rey (first published 1994)
Categories:Fantasy. Science Fiction. Dragons. Fiction

Description In Pursuance Of Books The Dolphins of Pern (Pern #13)

Ta dah! Review located. I am copying to here because the conversation thread is too interesting to lose. For any newcomer, mystified by this comment, see *footnote. The Dolphins of Pern In this latter book in the Pern series Anne McCaffrey explores the notion that dolphins came to Pern with the original human settlers as helpers for the ocean side of the new planet. The book explores the re-discovery of the dolphins which have sentience and language skills due to a process they were given back on Earth (which apparently bred true). Published in the early 1990's when dolphins and their intelligence were very much the talk of the decade, the book is a lot of fun in exploring Pern from these ocean going mammals perspective - I did very much love the fact that Pern's extensive oceans were getting a look in and would have been happy to read more about them. This novel concentrated more on the Southern continent and a small number of settlements and people there so there was less repetition than was starting to creep in to many of the latter books in the series. McCaffrey's favourite characters from Benden ect do make a token appearance to wind up one plot thread, but I think McCaffrey loved them too much to ever completely leave them out, they are not central at least. There was one element about the book that I was less than enamored with and it is kind of a spoiler, so maybe don't read it if you are planning on picking up this book. Definitely don't read it if you have never read any of the Pern books and want to (view spoiler)[The tactic for winding up Readis' plot line was predictable, repetitious and incredibly unnecessary. Also unbelievable. I quite liked Aramina's character in a previous story: Here however she is a batshite crazy, borderline abusive parent, with no explanation and no reason. Her son is rescued from the ocean so she won't let him near it, raves and froths at the mouth makes him promise not to go near the ocean as a child and loses her mind when as a near adult he goes swimming. Ridiculous. Especially since she herself goes swimming and they live in a settlement on the ocean with a fishing fleet. Then Readis stomps off to live in caves during thread-fall and follow his destiny with the dolphins.... hmmm.... where have we heard this before? Menolly's story was good, so was The White Dragon, this book makes a repetitious hash of both those stories and it is not necessary in my opinion. Menolly stomping off to live it a cave has some credibility; she had no other resources, no one to go to. Readis is not in a similar position, he has heaps of other acquaintance, teachers, dragon rider contacts ect. Him going off to live in a cave is unconvincing and it feels contrived. (hide spoiler)] Despite the two small elements about it that bothered me; the spoiler and the Benden contingent swooping in to save the day, this was a fun book and a very enjoyable installment in the Pern sagas. It is also very nice indeed to see a fantasy/sci-fi book making use of the oceanic environment and its inhabitants, too few do so. *Footnote. In July 2018 I tried unsuccessfully to access this review, I angry-blogged; another long well thought out review, posted ages ago, that Goodreads has deleted (while moving the book onto my unread shelf) as though it never existed. Really angry about this!

Rating Based On Books The Dolphins of Pern (Pern #13)
Ratings: 3.97 From 16287 Users | 249 Reviews

Column Based On Books The Dolphins of Pern (Pern #13)
Another good Mccaffrey read. Love the dolphins.

As I reread Pern, I'm coming to the conclusion that McCaffrey would've been better off quitting while she was ahead (and that Todd McCaffrey should never have been let at the universe). I wanted to like this because it featured characters I love (really enjoyed seeing Alemi again and his relationship with Menolly), but there's no heart to this story, nothing cohesive that made me want to turn the page.There's a couple of anecdotes and characters I enjoyed (I liked the dolphins and how they've

My one big problem with the book is that it is not mainly about Readis and T'Lion and the Dolphins. It is a transition book between the "traditional" Pern books and the ones that will take place centuries in the future. It is a Companion piece to "All the Weyr's of Pern", instead of really a stand alone that deals with the Dolphins. Which is really what I wanted or expected, a book about re-finding the Dolphins of Pern. This was part of the content, yes, but so much more could have been done

I enjoyed this book very much. I like the dolphins almost as much as I like the dragons and that is saying something. I also enjoy Readis as a character. I am beginning to wonder, however, what it is that Anne McCaffrey has against grown women, especially being one herself. The young female characters of Pern, with a few exceptions, are good natured and charismatic. However, her adult female characters are stubborn, self righteous, and often down right mean. The three most noteworthy examples

There was a little bit of the "same story from a different point of view" that she has been doing on and off - which irritates me. But, it went far beyond All The Wyers of Pern and had little to do with much that happened in the other book. I really liked it. I've ordered the rest of the series from Amazon as soon as I finished this book, so I would have to say that I am a "Pern fan".

What a lovely novel! As the title would indicate, it has dolphin characters in it and they are adorable. The Dolpines of Pern was my introduction to this series. I was not familiar with this series prior to reading this novel, but from I gathered it is quite interesting. I didn't have problems following the narrative or understanding this future society. The only thing I had to google was 'between' as I wasn't sure what exactly is mean by dragon riders flying 'between' but I would have had

This book is parallel to The All the Weyrs of Pern in that it takes place in the same time frame.Readis is a youngster who develops an interest in "Ship Fish" (Dolphins) when they rescue him from a sinking skiff (during a storm). He's the first person in hundreds of years ("turns") to realize that they can talk. The story revolves around around this link between Readis and the dolphins as the fact of talking (and helping) "ship fish" clashes with the hidebound culture of Pern that is already

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