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Original Title: The Tao of Wu
ISBN: 1594488851 (ISBN13: 9781594488856)
Edition Language: English
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The Tao of Wu Hardcover | Pages: 224 pages
Rating: 4.08 | 3236 Users | 257 Reviews

Present Epithetical Books The Tao of Wu

Title:The Tao of Wu
Author:The RZA
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 224 pages
Published:October 15th 2009 by Riverhead Books
Categories:Nonfiction. Music. Philosophy. Biography. Hip Hop. Autobiography. Memoir. Spirituality

Description As Books The Tao of Wu

A unique book of wisdom and experience that reaches from the most violent slums of New York City to the highest planes of spiritual thought by the RZA, hip-hop?s most exalted wise man.

The RZA, the Abbot of the Wu-Tang Clan and hip-hop culture?s most dynamic genius, imparts the lessons he?s learned on the journey that?s taken him from the Staten Island projects to international superstar, all along the way a devout student of knowledge in every form he?s found it?on the streets, in religion, in martial arts, in chess, in popular culture. Part chronicle of an extraordinary life and part spiritual and philosophical discourse, The Tao of Wu is a nonfiction Siddhartha for the hip-hop generation ?an engaging, seeking book that will enlighten, entertain, and inspire.

The legions of Wu-Tang fans are accustomed to this heady mix?their obsession with the band?s puzzlelike lyrics and elaborate mythology has propelled the group through fifteen years of dazzling, multiplatform success. In his 2005 bestseller The Wu-Tang Manual, the RZA provided the barest glimpse of how that mythology worked. In The Tao of Wu, he takes us deep inside the complex sense of wisdom and spirituality that has been at the core of his commercial and creative success.

The book is built around major moments in the RZA?s life when he was faced with a dramatic turning point, either bad (a potential prison sentence) or good (a record deal that could pull his family out of poverty), and the lessons he took from each experience. His points of view are always surprising and provocative, and reveal a profound, genuine, and abiding wisdom?consistently tempered with humor and peppered with unique, colloquial phraseology. It is a spiritual memoir as the world has never seen before, and will never see again.

Rating Epithetical Books The Tao of Wu
Ratings: 4.08 From 3236 Users | 257 Reviews

Column Epithetical Books The Tao of Wu
This book was a page turner! It was fun to read and I learned a lot. I love anything that gives me a chance to look at something from another perspective - it did that. In one way, it gave me a new perspective on a personal life event. I found it meaningful and beautiful. I suggest it for anyone who is looking for a positive in a world of negative; RZA knows how to do that.

If you read this book and all you got out of it was that Dragon Ball Z is a reflection of black culture in America, then you either didn't finish or were not reading this book with an open heart.I was absolutely stunned by the profound messages within these pages. I've read numerous books on spirituality and meditation, and consciousness and Christianity, and despite my familiarity I felt this work was original and necessary. Very few quotes were ones I had absolutely heard before. But most of

This was not a "mix of religious/spiritual banter", it was a hodgepodge of confusion. Kinda like watching Spike Lee's rendition of the life of Malcolm X. Do you seriously think it's the same as reading the actual autobiography? Well RZA seems to think so. Theres always lessons to be learned, wherever you are, whoever you are. The poor guy thirsted for knowledge, but he was stuck in the ghetto. So he made the best of what he had and gained knowledge where he could. From street folks, from comic

Very entertaining... the opening endorsement from his kungfu teacher sets up for a cool interrelation between RZA's life and kungfu concepts. Most compelling were the parts describing the way his philosophy developed out of his time in jail and in the projects around Staten Island and Brooklyn, the best bits being descriptions of the turkey burgers and video game tourneys that would constitute their time spent in the bunker underneath their Staten Island apartment, from which sessions came the

Overall, I thought the writing was decent. Growing up in the Hip-Hop Age myself, it was a pleasure to read a rapper's memoir and see his perspective of life. We're living in a society where we're getting increasingly closed-minded to points of view we don't agree with and we're becoming increasingly isolated to the cultures we don't live in. At the same time, I get a sense of hypocrisy from RZA when he talks about his spirituality and being part of a group called the "Five Percenters," where

Last but not least I picked up the Tao of RZA at Borders closing sale last week for %70 off. Out of the 3 books I probably enjoyed this one the most. The writing was definitely the strongest, but I think a lot of credit could go to the fact that he had a co-writer to organize all of his thoughts. Basically, RZA sat down and did just rambled about his philosophies for a several hours and the co-writer organized it into something more cohesive. Like Jay-Z, RZA is at his strongest when telling the

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