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Original Title: The End of Eternity
ISBN: 0449016196 (ISBN13: 9780449016190)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Andrew Harlan, Laban Twissell, Noÿs Lambent
Setting: Ukraine
Literary Awards: Hugo Award Nominee for Best Novel (1956)
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The End of Eternity Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 192 pages
Rating: 4.24 | 41045 Users | 2116 Reviews

Present Appertaining To Books The End of Eternity

Title:The End of Eternity
Author:Isaac Asimov
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 192 pages
Published:October 1st 1971 by Fawcett Crest (first published January 1st 1955)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fiction. Time Travel. Classics. Science Fiction Fantasy. Audiobook. Fantasy

Interpretation During Books The End of Eternity

Andrew Harlan is an Eternal, a man whose job it is to range through past and present Centuries, monitoring and, where necessary, altering Time's myriad cause-and-effect relationships. But when Harlan meets and falls for a non-Eternal woman, he seeks to use the awesome powers and techniques of the Eternals to twist time for his own purposes, so that he and his love can survive together.

Rating Appertaining To Books The End of Eternity
Ratings: 4.24 From 41045 Users | 2116 Reviews

Write Up Appertaining To Books The End of Eternity
I love going back to the classics. Its fun to see what inspired modern-day novelists and screenwriters when they were kids. The End of Eternity, by Isaac Asimov, surely inspired cool stories like The Adjustment Bureau, Fringe, 12 Monkeys, Looper, and Primer.Check it out: the story is told from the perspective of an Observer whose job it is to tweak history so that the aggregate majority of humans live in the highest achievable state of happiness. Just outside of Time is this place called

This is a unique one for Asimov, and not connected to his usual fictional universe. Ironically, this is his first book I tried to read, in Malayalam translation, no less! But either the translation was bad, or the story was untranslatable, or I was too young for it... I dropped it after a few pages. I am glad I did, because I could read the original afresh.This story is about a group called Eternals who travel outside of linear time, stepping in when required within the time-stream to make

If you haven't read Asimov's SF classic, it's one of those time-travel stories where you can change the past. The people with the time machines are a shadowy, infinitely powerful organisation called the Eternals. They flit around in time, changing things "for the good of humanity". Except that, as I'm sure you already guessed, it isn't quite clear after a while that humanity is benefiting from all this attention. The agents who are responsible for making the changes are called Technicians, and

This book made me think about time travel and space exploration like no other book has done before.

I just had to do a little retro SF catch-up, grabbing those old classics by big-name SF authors that I haven't yet had the pleasure to read, and this one kept cropping up as one of the best of the best by Asimov. You know, OTHER than Foundation and the Robot novels. Of which, a few are sub-par. We'll ignore all of these for now and focus on this standalone.About time travel in a kettle, kinda like Wells' time machine, only let's make a society of men, only men, living outside of time a-la Time

This is somehow my first Asimov book. At first, I was underwhelmed. However, as the book went forward, I found that there was much more depth to the writing than originally met the eye and that the shallow characters were shallow with a purpose. Asimov sets up a group of scientist who are outside of time called the Eternals. While everyone on earth thinks that their main job is to facilitate commerce between various centuries, their true function is to manipulate history to make it play out more

i've always liked time travel stories and was looking forward for this one coming from DA master. and although i liked the story well enough i think that it becomes convoluted toward the end when it deals with the scientific aspect of his logic in the tale and, hence, looses momentum. in spite of that, the overall premise is really interesting and it deals more with destiny/free will than time travel which is a nice mix always. it amazes me still how many different stories can be created around

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