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Original Title: The Third Twin
ISBN: 033034837X (ISBN13: 9780330348379)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Steve Logan, Jeannie Ferrami
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The Third Twin Paperback | Pages: 640 pages
Rating: 3.7 | 24566 Users | 1046 Reviews

Point Regarding Books The Third Twin

Title:The Third Twin
Author:Ken Follett
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 640 pages
Published:October 1st 1997 by MacMillan General Books (first published October 21st 1996)
Categories:Fiction. Thriller. Mystery. Suspense

Explanation Supposing Books The Third Twin

Using a restricted FBI database, genetic researcher Jeanie Ferrami has located identical twins born to different mothers. Frightened by her bizarre discovery, she is determined to discover the truth at any cost—until she finds herself at the center of a scandal that could ruin her career. To fight the charges, Jeannie plunges into a maze of hidden evidence. With growing horror, she uncovers a cynical, far-reaching conspiracy involving disturbing genetic experiments and some of the most powerful men in America—men who will kill to keep their secrets concealed.

Rating Regarding Books The Third Twin
Ratings: 3.7 From 24566 Users | 1046 Reviews

Criticism Regarding Books The Third Twin
Honestly I have to say this book was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! Not only did it have a component of scientific research but it also thrilled the soul of every reader. Jeannie besides being atletic and beautiful had an intelectual side that made her even more compelling. Regarding all her research I thought that the study of monozygotic twins was very interesting. Same DNA but different lifes and choices. Or instead same DNA and similar characteristics and problems. Surely this theme deserves to be studied

I find that Ken Follett typically writes a great story, full of intrigue and drama....BUT...(did you sense that coming???) he seems to feel the need to "dirty-up" his books. His women swear like sailors and talk dirty, and without fail, every one of his books contain scenes that can only be described as sex from a man's perspective. A woman would make the scene "romantic" and he just somehow seems to make it nasty. (I hate that word, but I can't think of something more descriptive.) Though I

Fantastic!Fantastic storyline, fantastic characters and fantastic end.If we're all aggressive, obedient solders [sic], who's going to write the poems and play the blues and go on anti-war protest marches?

I really tried to like this but the amount of nonsensical plot devices got in the middle.It gets really ridiculous to the point of no return, you can easily compare it with a B-Movie (where B would stand for BAD). I've read some reviewers say the problem was the book didn't date very well, but I can hardly believe this could have been considered good at some point.

A mild fan of Ken Follet. Read his mysteries many years ago and now reading both his new series. Was looking for something else and found this one. I have to admit I read it over New Year's so I finished it in two days. Liked the locations of Baltimore, DC and Philadelphia and really having an idea of where things were happening. The attempted rape in Jeannie Ferami's car was horrifyingly real as she listed areas she was driving through that were recognizable and brought it more to life. The

DNA Robots?Suppose theres someone out there who looks exactly like you a clone a twin brother youve never seen nor met. Moreover, that twin of yours, instead of being a good father, mother, sister or brother, entertains himself killing people around. And... since he looks exactly like you, people will start pointing you as the author of his hedious crimes!...Oh boy, Oh boy, thats gonna be quite an issue! On top of the resulting stream of social problems, youll probably start asking yourself

Jeannie Ferramis discovery of a set of cloned twins was baffling.. Imagine being born to different set of parents at different places and different date and time, but bearing the same exact face and body built. A conspiracy that involved disturbing genetic experiments performed by some of the most powerful men in America a conspiracy that can have you killed.This is the third Ken Follett book Ive read and it had me hooked from Chapter 1 until I had to guess who the real antagonist was! A great

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