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Original Title: Laskar Pelangi
ISBN: 9793062797 (ISBN13: 9789793062792)
Edition Language: Indonesian URL
Series: Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi #1
Characters: A Ling, Lintang, Ikal, Muslimah Hafsari, Harfan Effendy Noor, Floriana, Mahar
Setting: Belitung(Indonesia)
Free Download Laskar Pelangi (Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi #1) Books Online
Laskar Pelangi (Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi #1) Paperback | Pages: 534 pages
Rating: 4.19 | 24768 Users | 3111 Reviews

Particularize Out Of Books Laskar Pelangi (Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi #1)

Title:Laskar Pelangi (Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi #1)
Author:Andrea Hirata
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 534 pages
Published:2008 by Bentang Pustaka (first published 2005)
Categories:Novels. Fiction. Asian Literature. Indonesian Literature. Childrens. Cultural. Asia. Literature. Young Adult

Commentary Toward Books Laskar Pelangi (Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi #1)

Begitu banyak hal menakjubkan yang terjadi dalam masa kecil para anggota Laskar Pelangi. Sebelas orang anak Melayu Belitong yang luar biasa ini tak menyerah walau keadaan tak bersimpati pada mereka. Tengoklah Lintang, seorang kuli kopra cilik yang genius dan dengan senang hati bersepeda 80 kilometer pulang pergi untuk memuaskan dahaganya akan ilmu—bahkan terkadang hanya untuk menyanyikan Padamu Negeri di akhir jam sekolah. Atau Mahar, seorang pesuruh tukang parut kelapa sekaligus seniman dadakan yang imajinatif, tak logis, kreatif, dan sering diremehkan sahabat-sahabatnya, namun berhasil mengangkat derajat sekolah kampung mereka dalam karnaval 17 Agustus. Dan juga sembilan orang Laskar Pelangi lain yang begitu bersemangat dalam menjalani hidup dan berjuang meraih cita-cita. Selami ironisnya kehidupan mereka, kejujuran pemikiran mereka, indahnya petualangan mereka, dan temukan diri Anda tertawa, menangis, dan tersentuh saat membaca setiap lembarnya. Buku ini dipersembahkan buat mereka yang meyakini the magic of childhood memories, dan khususnya juga buat siapa saja yang masih meyakini adanya pintu keajaiban lain untuk mengubah dunia: pendidikan.

Rating Out Of Books Laskar Pelangi (Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi #1)
Ratings: 4.19 From 24768 Users | 3111 Reviews

Assessment Out Of Books Laskar Pelangi (Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi #1)
"I hated those children of the rich who threw away their esucation". This is a mostly autobiographical novel that reads like a memoir mixed slightly with a fable. The beginning was tough with surface descriptions and jumping around in time, and the characters remained mostly superficial with personalities defined only by what the narrator told us. However, it does give insight into another culture and it hits home on the value of education for education's sake, as well as how much most of it

I have heard a lot of this book, and seen it practically everywhere, from upscale bookstores to book hawkers who spread their wares on the sidewalk or on bridges leading to the Transjakarta bus stops. From the first time I heard about this book, on the Kick Andy showon MetroTV, I had been pretty intrigued by the background story: that of ten students in the sadly familiar rundown backwater school, and their dedidated, memorable teacher, Ms. Muslimah. The book has certainly created quite a

"I hated those children of the rich who threw away their esucation". This is a mostly autobiographical novel that reads like a memoir mixed slightly with a fable. The beginning was tough with surface descriptions and jumping around in time, and the characters remained mostly superficial with personalities defined only by what the narrator told us. However, it does give insight into another culture and it hits home on the value of education for education's sake, as well as how much most of it

"A hardworking life is like picking up fruit from a basket with a blindfold on. Whatever fruit we end up getting, at least we have fruit."The "Laskar Pelangi" who also happens to be the students of Almuhammadiya School encounters many challenges along with their teachers (Pak Harfan and Bu Mus) in order to keep the school running and prevent the authorities from shutting it down.Through out the chapters of the novel, I enjoyed the adventures of the characters and their endeavors to strive for

Andrea Hiratas Rainbow Troops is both humbling and inspiring, a reminder that there is a lot we take for granted in this country which is a privilege in other, less fortunate places such as the right to free education. Written as homage to his elementary school teacher and classmates, the storys honesty and humour will warm your heart and leave you with a feeling of hope.Born the son of a miner on the tiny Indonesian island of Belitong, on the East coast of Sumatra, six-year-old Ikal knows the

3.8 starsGoodness! Heartbreaking. Beautifully written, poignant. I liked learning about a different country/culture. An important book in terms of educating others about situations around the world. It also took me a few days to read b/c it was emotionally draining (in a good way). I only read a little bit each day. I wanted all the children to succeed in life but the odds arent in their favor.I dont think college is for everyone, but Id like to hope that at least everyone is able to get a basic

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