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Title:Origin (Corpus #1)
Author:Jessica Khoury
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 395 pages
Published:September 4th 2012 by Razorbill
Categories:Young Adult. Science Fiction. Romance. Dystopia
Free Origin (Corpus #1) Books Online
Origin (Corpus #1) Hardcover | Pages: 395 pages
Rating: 3.89 | 14551 Users | 1881 Reviews

Narration To Books Origin (Corpus #1)

Pia has grown up in a secret laboratory hidden deep in the Amazon rainforest. She was raised by a team of scientists who have created her to be the start of a new immortal race. But on the night of her seventeenth birthday, Pia discovers a hole in the electric fence that surrounds her sterile home―and sneaks outside the compound for the first time in her life. Free in the jungle, Pia meets Eio, a boy from a nearby village. Together, they embark on a race against time to discover the truth about Pia's origin―a truth with deadly consequences that will change their lives forever. Origin is a beautifully told, shocking new way to look at an age-old desire: to live forever, no matter the cost.

Details Books Toward Origin (Corpus #1)

Original Title: Origin
ISBN: 1595145958 (ISBN13: 9781595145956)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: Corpus #1
Characters: Eio, Pia (Origin)
Setting: Little Cam Amazon Rainforest

Rating Out Of Books Origin (Corpus #1)
Ratings: 3.89 From 14551 Users | 1881 Reviews

Notice Out Of Books Origin (Corpus #1)
Lots of mixed reviews for this book so I was pretty hesitant to read it. But I have to say I enjoyed and liked it! I think the concept for the book is freakin way awesome and loved the writing style kept me highly engaged. Look forward to reading more books by this author.

Disclaimer: This review is based on an advanced copy of the book.WHAT I DISLIKED:I wished Eio were a stronger character--some of his decisions were difficult to believe. The Ai'oan people also felt largely one-dimensional. And sometimes the whole "science is evil" thing was a bit too much.WHAT I LIKED:Pia is lovely, as is Khoury's writing. The book, surprisingly and refreshingly, is stand-alone. The plot is largely a fresh one, which brings important issues of morality into play. The jungle

There are a lot of things I expected from Origin. Mystery, a jungle backdrop and even a bit of romance. But, wow. I did not expect to be grabbing the edge of my seat, turning page after page in anticipation. However, this novel is not for the faint of heart due to a few shocking scenes. But carefully placed gentler moments are woven in with the call of the jungle. Between the bitter-sweet blossom of first love and the nail-biting storyline, I was robbed of precious sleep... I was captivated.The

The two books I read immediately prior to this were thrilling YA romances - entertaining, but quickly forgotten - and I was sort of expecting more of the same. Origin completely exceeded my expectations, and I was surprised by the level of depth it achieved - at least for me. Origin deals with some pretty heavy themes, and because of this I think it'll be a love/hate kind of book. Some will definitely find the approach heavy-handed or uncomfortable in its depiction of the 'natives' and

Goodness! This was Whoa!Rating: 4.5 starsOrigin was pretty spectacular!It is hard to believe now, after Im done, to think that I wasnt even planning on reading it anytime soon. In fact I was completely skeptical towards it. I dont know what it was, really, that made me hesitate. All I know is that after I saw the book trailer I thought: why not? I could give it a try. In fact, damn! It was a good book trailer, alright? It caught my attention and it got me to read the book, and Im so very glad I

Read through it again! The final print version is so amazing! It is so much more than just a story about boy meets girl! ....I was lucky enough to be a BETA reader in the earlier stages of this book. Within the first few pages of the book I knew it was something special! I can't wait to read the final version of the book! This is going to be the next big thing in Young adult fiction!!! This book is truly original; you won't find any cliches here. Make sure you start reading when you can read

I loved this read! Was tempted to give this a 5 star rating but decided I couldn't quite stretch my rating that high. There is so much going on in this book and the story keeps you tied to it til the very end where everything is wrapped up nicely as it should be. Pia is an immortal girl, born in the jungle in a secret laboratory. She is bio-engineered to be what she is and is only one of her kind. Raised in the jungle, she is kept away from the outside world. Not only is she not allowed to

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