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Title:A Woman to Blame
Author:Vincent Panettiere
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 400 pages
Published:October 14th 2019 by BookBaby (first published June 19th 2014)
Online Books A Woman to Blame  Free Download
A Woman to Blame Paperback | Pages: 400 pages
Rating: 4.4 | 1207 Users | 19 Reviews

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Hours after a thoroughbred racehorse collapses and dies after finishing last in a race he was favored to win, his trainer—a young woman with a promising career—is found dead on a suburban Chicago beach. To the police, it's a simple case of murder-suicide. But Mike Hegan, veteran police detective, refuses to believe the official story. Instead of retiring like they want him to, he embarks upon a search for the truth, and finds himself on a Caribbean island where scores are settled—and lives are lost.Fans of James Patterson and other crime fiction writers will find a new hero in Mike Hegan—a detective who defies convention to make sure that justice is served.

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ISBN: 1543979785 (ISBN13: 9781543979787)

Rating Epithetical Books A Woman to Blame
Ratings: 4.4 From 1207 Users | 19 Reviews

Notice Epithetical Books A Woman to Blame
I personally love a book with a great cast of characters and a plot that keeps me guessing. I will admit, when I first picked up A Woman to Blame, however, I was left trying to figure out where Vincent Panettiere was going. The plot jumped around a bit at the beginning but as I got further into it I realized that it was because he was writing the novel as if it would be a screen play. The jumping around also provided me with the background information that I needed about the main characters in

A Woman to Blame by Vincent Panettiere is a fast-paced, action novel that will satisfy any crime lover. Mike Hegan is a police officer in Chicago, Illinois, that gets his share of grief. From the death of his fiancé, supporting his sister's divorce, getting shot; he doesn't get a break. When a dead body in a university pool becomes his case, he finds it opens multiple levels of crime. Chicago is known for its gangs and crime lords, this novel gives you a close up view of what the police officers

Veteran police detective Mike Hegan investigates a murder-suicide as he struggles to come to terms with a personal loss in Panettieres latest well-crafted police procedural. When a champion thoroughbred racehorse collapses and dies in mysterious circumstances after finishing last in a race while his trainer goes missing and is later found dead miles away on a suburban beach, Detective Mike Hegan knows a crucial link is missing in the case. While the police rule the case as a murder-suicide,

Vincent Panettiere is the author of four books to date. Three novels: A WOMAN TO BLAME, THE SCOPAS FACTOR and the award-winning and critically acclaimed THESE THY GIFTS. He has also written The Internet Financing Illusion which deals with the dark side of the Internet. Website He is a former licensed and bonded literary agent in Los Angeles representing writers and

Vincent Panettiere was a literary agent and a legend to his profession, representing writers and directors in televIsion and film. In 2014, Panettiere reported in an interview, he was certified by the Major League Players Association (MLBPA) to represent major league baseball players. Previously he was an executive with Twentieth Century Fox and CBS.A Woman To Blame riles every core of exasperation, routing for justice, grief, anger, unprecedented events that create layers of truth and

Mike Hegan is a veteran cop who was forced into retirement early, however, he was was unwilling to retire until he had solved the murder of Ariel Sutherland.A Woman to Blame is a great mystery novel the had me hooked within the early stages of reading it! The cast of characters were interesting and the way they were portrayed kept me interested all the way through. The book kept me on my toes and always had me thinking who done it as just as you think you have figured out who the culprit is, the

A well-written mystery novel is highly dependent on its cast of characters. If they are not well-rounded, there will not be as much intrigue regarding who is guilty. If they are not interesting, then the reader will not care who is guilty and who is innocent. The way in which the characters are introduced is fairly interesting as well. From early on, the novel will occasionally appear to shift viewpoints slightly. While some reviewers have claimed that this can get confusing, it also teaches the

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