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Alan Turing: The Enigma Kindle Edition | Pages: 762 pages
Rating: 3.8 | 7712 Users | 830 Reviews

Itemize Appertaining To Books Alan Turing: The Enigma

Title:Alan Turing: The Enigma
Author:Andrew Hodges
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 762 pages
Published:November 10th 2014 by Princeton University Press (first published November 1st 1983)
Categories:Biography. Nonfiction. History. Science. Mathematics

Chronicle During Books Alan Turing: The Enigma

It is only a slight exaggeration to say that the British mathematician Alan Turing (1912-1954) saved the Allies from the Nazis, invented the computer and artificial intelligence, and anticipated gay liberation by decades--all before his suicide at age forty-one. This acclaimed biography of the founder of computer science, with a new preface by the author that addresses Turing’s royal pardon in 2013, is the definitive account of an extraordinary mind and life.

Capturing both the inner and outer drama of Turing’s life, Andrew Hodges tells how Turing’s revolutionary idea of 1936--the concept of a universal machine--laid the foundation for the modern computer and how Turing brought the idea to practical realization in 1945 with his electronic design. The book also tells how this work was directly related to Turing’s leading role in breaking the German Enigma ciphers during World War II, a scientific triumph that was critical to Allied victory in the Atlantic. At the same time, this is the tragic account of a man who, despite his wartime service, was eventually arrested, stripped of his security clearance, and forced to undergo a humiliating treatment program--all for trying to live honestly in a society that defined homosexuality as a crime.

The inspiration for a major motion picture starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, Alan Turing: The Enigma is a gripping story of mathematics, computers, cryptography, and homosexual persecution.

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Original Title: Alan Turing: The Enigma ASIN B00M032W92
Edition Language: English
Characters: Alan Turing

Rating Appertaining To Books Alan Turing: The Enigma
Ratings: 3.8 From 7712 Users | 830 Reviews

Evaluate Appertaining To Books Alan Turing: The Enigma
This was a fascinating book. I'm not really recommending it because I thought it was overly complicated and I'm not sure that a lot of people will want to spend half of their reading time on Wikipedia the way I did. I only understood about a quarter of the many, many mathematical concepts that were discussed, at exhausting length, in the book. Still, I'm glad to know more about the man who contributed so much to computer science. He had a fascinating, tragic life. Great book, but be prepared for

For him, breaking the Enigma was much easier than the problem of dealing with other people, especially with those holding power.

A movie was made based on this book - The Imitation Game (2014) with Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode.

I loved this book. I was almost afraid to read it after others said how difficult it was to understand the math sections, but I found those to be fascinating. If math had been taught this way in my schools, I would have enjoyed it a lot more. I even read some of the maths bits to my husband!As to Turing's life, I very much enjoyed reading about that, too. I wish I had known him. The way his mind works just took my breath away. I found myself going back over paragraphs, just to make certain I

To read this is to feel humbled, not just by Alan Turings brilliant mind, but also by the years of dedicated work that Andrew Hodges put into this biography. At 700-plus pages, including a massive number of footnotes and references which are themselves a fund of fascinating information, it is dense going however, and probably not for everyone, although I found it totally absorbing**. Here finally (well, not really finally as it was written in 1983) was someone who could explain Turings universal

(4.5) Quite a thorough biography, I prefer the Bletchley Park period, but quite complete picture of his lifeI only have a couple of complaints. The book is quite lengthy. I feel that some digressions into the politics at his boarding school, for example, weren't worth diving into to explain the effect it had on his presence there. Hodges also employs this extended mixed metaphor intertwining Alice in Wonderland (apropos), Wizard of Oz (less so), among others. Not sure it helped to continue


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