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Cancer: It can be a lonely journey ebook | Pages: 92 pages
Rating: 4.35 | 128 Users | 3 Reviews

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Title:Cancer: It can be a lonely journey
Author:Ron Millicent
Book Format:ebook
Book Edition:1st
Pages:Pages: 92 pages
Published:September 26th 2017 by Frescati Publications
Categories:Novels. Inspirational. Contemporary. Adult

Narrative To Books Cancer: It can be a lonely journey

Reader, this is a story of a cancer journey from the perspective of a loving spouse. It is a journal of texts and notes by Ron Millicent (the author) as he witnesses the events that his non-curable cancer-stricken wife, Millie goes through while staying in the hospital for treatment. It is divided into four parts: 1. A Journey of Fear – tells the events as they occur. 2. A Follow up Months later – describes an unrelated incident that happened a few years prior to the cancer trip. 3. Rock Solid Philosophy of Life – is the “basis for the entire cancer ‘journey.’” 4. Reflections – is the tie-in of the entire odyssey. It sums up all of the four parts relaying a perspective and the story altogether. Throughout this book, Millicent constantly thanks his family and friends for their steady stream of love and support. He also adds in touches of humor to keep us his readers entertained and smiling as the journey itself isn’t a smooth ride. There is also an interesting tidbit of fact in this book where Millicent mentions that a friend of theirs, a woman named Marilyn gave them the infamous Lourdes water for their personal usage. As a Catholic, I felt quite tickled by this because I can confirm that this elixir is indeed a miracle performer for those who are sick and confined. The one aspect of this book that touched me deeply as a Christian and a Bible-lover is the parable of the servants who were given gifts by their Master before he went away for a while. The servants were each granted the freedom to use their gifts any which way they can. When the Master returns, these servants are to present to him what they did with their gifts. It’s just so assuring to know that Millicent backs up his thoughts and teachings with a Biblical story as this because it is in part an item of spirituality. It helps us the readers with our own self-growth and self-confidence goals. This is the last book of Millicent’s self-growth series and everything so far has been enlightening and brilliant. I recommend this book to the Christian who needs a new angle for his or her self-growth techniques. I think any person of any faith will find in Millicent’s wife’s fluctuating battle with cancer a sense of hope in knowing that we all are subjected to pain at some part of our lives but with the love and support of God or family and friends as well as a hardworking and warmhearted hospital staff (Millie was fortunate), we can get through it all or at least be comforted and at peace that we are in good, caring hands. And finally, this book should be made available to hospitals and clinics across the USA for patients and their families to be eased and/or inspired by. Praise the heavens!

List Books Conducive To Cancer: It can be a lonely journey

Edition Language: English

Rating Based On Books Cancer: It can be a lonely journey
Ratings: 4.35 From 128 Users | 3 Reviews

Judge Based On Books Cancer: It can be a lonely journey
This is a story of a cancer journey from the perspective of a loving spouse.Author Ron Millicent has published four books each in his SELF ESTEEM FOR BUSY PEOLE series DISCOVER HOW EASY IT IS, SELF GROWTH THROUGH SELF ESTEEM TECHNIQUES, EASY WAY TO USE INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES, now CANCER: IT CAN BE A LONELY JOURNEY. The books are very spiritually oriented with a strong emphasis on Christianity: Rons use of this adjunct works well, even if it asks the reader to re-orient thinking processes. The

Reader, this is a story of a cancer journey from the perspective of a loving spouse. It is a journal of texts and notes by Ron Millicent (the author) as he witnesses the events that his non-curable cancer-stricken wife, Millie goes through while staying in the hospital for treatment. It is divided into four parts:1. A Journey of Fear tells the events as they occur.2. A Follow up Months later describes an unrelated incident that happened a few years prior to the cancer trip.3. Rock Solid

Reader, this is a story of a cancer journey from the perspective of a loving spouse. It is a journal of texts and notes by Ron Millicent (the author) as he witnesses the events that his non-curable cancer-stricken wife, Millie goes through while staying in the hospital for treatment. It is divided into four parts:1. A Journey of Fear tells the events as they occur.2. A Follow up Months later describes an unrelated incident that happened a few years prior to the cancer trip.3. Rock Solid

Cancer is such a fierce disease; it causes even the strongest to dread the thought of having it. There are different types with various survival rates, but all who went through the treatments deserve the respect of those around them. I loved the part from his email that said, Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, But rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming WOW WHAT A RIDE!

I was an early reader of Maxwell Maltz - `Psycho Cybernetics` and that had a definite impact on me. I have read - and actually lectured when I had a large sales organization - on the premises in the book.I was amazed at the popularity of works such as: The Secret, and The Law of Attraction. I was surprised because they were the same exact principles in the book.I wrote two books actually based on

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