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Title:Chanakya's Chant
Author:Ashwin Sanghi
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 448 pages
Published:January 26th 2010 by Westland Limited (first published January 1st 2010)
Categories:Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Asian Literature. Indian Literature. Thriller. Cultural. India. Fantasy. Mythology. Politics
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Chanakya's Chant Paperback | Pages: 448 pages
Rating: 3.72 | 21261 Users | 1361 Reviews

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The year is 340 BC. A hunted, haunted Brahmin youth vows revenge for the gruesome murder of his beloved father. Cold, calculating, cruel and armed with a complete absence of accepted morals, he becomes the most powerful political strategist in Bharat and succeeds in uniting a ragged country against the invasion of the army of that demigod, Alexander the Great. Pitting the weak edges of both forces against each other, he pulls off a wicked and astonishing victory and succeeds in installing Chandragupta on the throne of the mighty Mauryan empire. History knows him as the brilliant strategist Chanakya. Satisfied—and a little bored—by his success as a kingmaker, through the simple summoning of his gifted mind, he recedes into the shadows to write his Arthashastra, the ‘science of wealth’. But history, which exults in repeating itself, revives Chanakya two and a half millennia later, in the avatar of Gangasagar Mishra, a Brahmin teacher in smalltown India who becomes puppeteer to a host of ambitious individuals—including a certain slumchild who grows up into a beautiful and powerful woman. Modern India happens to be just as riven as ancient Bharat by class hatred, corruption and divisive politics and this landscape is Gangasagar’s feasting ground. Can this wily pandit—who preys on greed, venality and sexual deviance—bring about another miracle of a united India? Will Chanakya’s chant work again? Ashwin Sanghi, the bestselling author of The Rozabal Line, brings you yet another historical spinechiller.

Particularize Books As Chanakya's Chant

Original Title: Chanakya's Chant
ISBN: 9380658674 (ISBN13: 9789380658674)
Edition Language: English URL

Rating Containing Books Chanakya's Chant
Ratings: 3.72 From 21261 Users | 1361 Reviews

Appraise Containing Books Chanakya's Chant

There can be stories we don't agree with, but the manner of story telling can make us fall in love with it and the same story can go on to remain etched in our memory for a long time. That's the beauty of 'Chanakya's Chant' and the genius of Ashwin Sanghi.This book did to me what 'Godfather' had done a month back. As a person, there was no way that I could appreciate the 'wisdom' being propagated by either Chanakya or his modern avatar Professor Gangasagar Mishra- that ends justify the means,

When i watched the video above, i expected the book to be a powerful one, not in the sense of writing, but in the strength of the main characters. I expected a lion, righteous and proud, ready to protect the defenceless, what i got instead was a fox, scheming and cunning, ready to take down everyone, including the woman he loves. I expected a king and got a minister instead. But the minister isnt a shoddy one, hes the kind that keeps you occupied so much that you wouldnt want to put down the

This is Sanghi's second novel I read, after his more recent 'The Krishna Key'. Frankly, I was disappointed. Average ratings suggested that Chanakya's Chant is better received than Krishna Key, and it was with that expectation and excitement that I purchased this. But, as I mentioned, this is disappointing.The historical part depicting Chanakya is relatively grippier, but the modern day narrative is too contrived, naive and amateurish. The modern tale reads more like an ordinary Bollywood script

From: Review at my blogChanakyas Chant is Ashwin Sanghis second novel after The Rozabal Line. It revolves around the life of a Pandit who emerges as a modern day Chanakya.The style is similar to his debut, linking modern events to those that occurred two millennia ago. We have seen this style many times, flipping between two parallel events only here, the parallel events are from long ago.A Pandit from Kanpur with financial banking from a merchant and manpower from a Muslim strongman manages to

Grievously disappointing- neither story feels authentic; the character development is shallow, the conversation inane, the victories too easily attained. There is also no effort to match the conversational idiom with the historical context in which the stories are supposedly set, the time lines of both the story-strands are obfuscated due to the lack of attention to details and the inconsistencies (A few examples: "Ashoka trees" are referred to in the Maurya tale for e.g., while Ashoka was

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular." -- Adlai StevensonThe quote is from this book, and there are several such quotes in the book interwoven in dialogues of characters. The book is fast paced thriller, which I liked but yet I give it three stars because I am no fan of 'Chanakya'. Chanakya stands on the opposite end of moral stands of Mahatma Gandhi who said bad means are not justified to achieve anything (good or bad). Whereas Chanakyra represents either too ordinary

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