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Original Title: The Evolutionary Void
ISBN: 0345496574 (ISBN13: 9780345496577)
Edition Language: English
Series: Void #3, Commonwealth Universe #5
Literary Awards: Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Science Fiction (2010)
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The Evolutionary Void (Void #3) Hardcover | Pages: 694 pages
Rating: 4.27 | 19139 Users | 572 Reviews

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Exposed as the Second Dreamer, Araminta has become the target of a galaxywide search by government agent Paula Myo and the psychopath known as the Cat, along with others equally determined to prevent-- or facilitate --the pilgrimage of the Living Dream cult into the heart of the Void. An indestructible microuniverse, the Void may contain paradise, as the cultists believe, but it is also a deadly threat. For the miraculous reality that exists inside its boundaries demands energy--energy drawn from everything outside those boundaries: from planets, stars, galaxies... from everything that lives. Meanwhile, the parallel story of Edeard, the Waterwalker -- as told through a series of addictive dreams communicated to the gaiasphere via Inigo, the First Dreamer -- continues to unfold. But now the inspirational tale of this idealistic young man takes a darker and more troubling turn as he finds himself faced with powerful new enemies -- and temptations more powerful still. With time running out, a repentant Inigo must decide whether to release Edeard's final dream: a dream whose message is scarcely less dangerous than the pilgrimage promises to be. And Araminta must choose whether to run from her unwanted responsibilities or face them down, with no guarantee of success or survival. But all these choices may be for naught if the monomaniacal Ilanthe, leader of the breakaway Accelerator Faction, is able to enter the Void. For it is not paradise she seeks there, but dominion.

Point Epithetical Books The Evolutionary Void (Void #3)

Title:The Evolutionary Void (Void #3)
Author:Peter F. Hamilton
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 694 pages
Published:August 24th 2010 by Del Rey (first published September 9th 2009)
Categories:Science Fiction. Space. Space Opera. Fiction

Rating Epithetical Books The Evolutionary Void (Void #3)
Ratings: 4.27 From 19139 Users | 572 Reviews

Criticize Epithetical Books The Evolutionary Void (Void #3)
a rousing end to hamilton's most ambitious hard science space opera yet. the author certainly believes in the everything-but-the-kitchen-sink approach, as this trilogy (although it is truly more of a quintet) includes EVERTHING: artificial intelligences, sun-diving, galactic religious movements, bionic enhancements, alien species (including a sci-fi explanation for ELVES for chrissakes), a range of modes of space & time travel, mysteries that have lasted a millenia, lots of space battles,

Amazing! Out of all of Peter F. Hamilton's works, this trilogy has got to be the absolute best! This particular novel pulls off a miracle. Better than walking on water, better than a galaxy-eating Void, and better than all the sums of its parts. :) Be it Syvian alien-elves, post-human social structures, or a manufactured universe where psi powers are not only feasible, but where magic, time-manipulation, and god-like powers are just a part of a greater tale.This is space opera on a scale I

I finished this only because I'd already invested so much time in the earlier books. Edeard's story just gets more tiresome and mundane the deeper you get. In fact it becomes positively idiotic. It feels like a complete regression into some archaic world where people have 'evolved' into some medieval culture complete with inane conversations. Worse still, is the fact that there is no character development for anyone except Edeard in the void. They are just a bunch of appendages without any

I was gearing up for this book to be 5 stars. As it went on, though, it became a solid 4 star book with leanings towards 3.5. The entire galaxy is at stake in this series but it never feels scary. Our heroes start down a path to save everyone, and they never fuck up. Somehow, they keep doing exactly the right thing. Everyone says exactly what they should when they need to sway someone to their side. I mean, one of the main characters was a straight up program, put there in case of doomsday - he

A pretty good end to the Void trilogy, wrapping up both Edeard's personal journey within the Void and the widespread shenanigans going on outside. Alas, the book does seem to stall a little compared to its two antecedents. There are quite a lot of characters just waiting in the wings doing a great deal of nothing during the book; a fact highlighted when the characters we do follow say "This task I'm doing will take three days," and then on the next line they're done, merely flagging the fact

I couldn't hold myself back and read the whole thing in nearly a day. It was so satisfying to see everything fall in place. So many twists and overall great storytelling kept me glued to the book and I hardly could put it down.Peter F. Hamilton is truly a master of the scfi genre and I absolutely love his writing and his ideas. His style is definitely not for everyone, most of the people I read reviews of gave up because the story builds up very slowly. But if you have enough stamina to get

I finished The Evolutionary Void by PF Hamilton, the highly awaited finale to the Void trilogy and it is *the* sf novel of the year and the best PF Hamilton at least since The Reality Dysfunction - which I still consider the best PFH for its unabashed sense of wonder and larger than life characters - if not ever.Everything comes together into the grand finale - and here there should be no more complaints about weak endings, deus-ex-machina and all - and there are enough twists and turns to make

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