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Point Books In Pursuance Of I am Charlotte Simmons

Original Title: I am Charlotte Simmons
ISBN: 0312424442 (ISBN13: 9780312424442)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Bad Sex in Fiction Award (2004)
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I am Charlotte Simmons Paperback | Pages: 738 pages
Rating: 3.42 | 23719 Users | 2015 Reviews

Define Epithetical Books I am Charlotte Simmons

Title:I am Charlotte Simmons
Author:Tom Wolfe
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 738 pages
Published:August 30th 2005 by Picador USA (first published December 9th 2004)
Categories:Fiction. Novels. Contemporary. Academic. College

Explanation Conducive To Books I am Charlotte Simmons

Tom Wolfe, the master social novelist of our time, the spot-on chronicler of all things contemporary and cultural, presents a sensational new novel about life, love, and learning--or the lack of it--amid today's American colleges. Our story unfolds at fictional Dupont University: those Olympian halls of scholarship housing the cream of America's youth, the roseate Gothic spires and manicured lawns suffused with tradition . . . Or so it appears to beautiful, brilliant Charlotte Simmons, a sheltered freshman from North Carolina. But Charlotte soon learns, to her mounting dismay, that for the upper-crust coeds of Dupont, sex, cool, and kegs trump academic achievement every time. As Charlotte encounters the paragons of Dupont's privileged elite--her roommate, Beverly, a Groton-educated Brahmin in lusty pursuit of lacrosse players; Jojo Johanssen, the only white starting player on Dupont's godlike basketball team, whose position is threatened by a hotshot black freshman from the projects; the Young Turk of Saint Ray fraternity, Hoyt Thorpe, whose heady sense of entitlement and social domination is clinched by his accidental brawl with a bodyguard for the governor of California; and Adam Geller, one of the Millennial Mutants who run the university's "independent" newspaper and who consider themselves the last bastion of intellectual endeavor on the sex-crazed, jock-obsessed campus--she is seduced by the heady glamour of acceptance, betraying both her values and upbringing before she grasps the power of being different--and the exotic allure of her own innocence. With his trademark satirical wit and famously sharp eye for telling detail, Wolfe's I Am Charlotte Simmons draws on extensive observations at campuses across the country to immortalize the early-21st-century college-going experience.

Rating Epithetical Books I am Charlotte Simmons
Ratings: 3.42 From 23719 Users | 2015 Reviews

Piece Epithetical Books I am Charlotte Simmons
I'd gone through some of the reviews here before I picked it up and I thought they were exaggerated. Nope. This really IS an old fella's attempt to explain you your college experience (assuming you went to college in the last decade). I have 2 major problems with this book. First of them is the author. What is your deal, Tom Wolfe? I've never read any other book written by him (don't think I will) so I can't say if it's his usual style but is he a control freak? Is he bizzarely proud of his

Sigh.771 pages. Talking about college. How college is shocking for sheltered girls. How college (shocker) isn't really about academia, but sports, beer, sex, and pretty much everything that the university brochures lie about in order to protect their reputations and continue charging $30,000 a year for an "education." This could be written by ANYONE, and in less than HALF the pages.When a book is bad, and too long, there is a certain point in reading the same shit over and over when your mind

This is the standard Tom Wolfe novel where characters face turbulence and inevitably suffer downfall. There is much social satire and the subject area concerns students at an American University (a fictitious one). The character type under scrutiny and under the gun is the young American male who is portrayed as sexually callous, anti-intellectual and consumed by an insatiable appetite for sports whether it is a video games or in an arena. The main character is Charlotte, an innocent virginal

I had the book sitting in my towering TBR pile for years, picked it up several times before, and never made it past the first 50 or so pages. I have unfair expectations for Tom Wolfe; I assumed that as with all of his other books "Charlotte" would suck me inside the author's head the moment I started reading. It did not. I finally decided it was time to donate the book or read the darn thing through, and so I soldiered on. Turned out, this is as engrossing a read as Wolfe's other books after the

Read in 2004.In this story, our hero Charlotte must endure the indignity of co-ed bathrooms, profanity that would make a sailor blush, sarcastic put-downs, and the advances of boys who only want to use her. In this respect, some of what Charlotte endures is not her fault, but in subtle ways throughout the story, some of what she endures becomes her fault. She becomes the victim of her vanity and can't overcome her desire to fit in and belong, as we likely couldn't if we were in her place. On the

Halfway through Tom Wolfe's enormous new novel about contemporary college life, I finally devised a question to keep my interest piqued: "Is it humanly possible," I wondered, "to write another 100 pages - another 200 pages, another 300 pages - without describing a single surprising event?"It is.With "I Am Charlotte Simmons," Wolfe has ventured onto the university campus and sent back reams of hyperventilating testimony: College students are slovenly and crude. They drink way too much. They

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