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Original Title: The Dead Zone
ISBN: 0451155750 (ISBN13: 9780451155757)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Johnny Smith, Greg Stillson, Frank Dodd, American Law Enforcement
Setting: Maine(United States)
Literary Awards: Locus Award Nominee for Best Fantasy Novel (1980), World Fantasy Award Nominee for Best Novel (1980), Balrog Award Nominee for Best Novel (1980)
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The Dead Zone Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 402 pages
Rating: 3.93 | 167673 Users | 3645 Reviews

Particularize About Books The Dead Zone

Title:The Dead Zone
Author:Stephen King
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 402 pages
Published:August 1980 by Signet/New American Library (first published August 30th 1979)
Categories:Horror. Fiction. Thriller

Rendition To Books The Dead Zone

Johnny, the small boy who skated at breakneck speed into an accident that for one horrifying moment plunged him into The Dead Zone. Johnny Smith, the small-town schoolteacher who spun the wheel of fortune and won a four-and-a-half-year trip into The Dead Zone. John Smith, who awakened from an interminable coma with an accursed power—the power to see the future and the terrible fate awaiting mankind in The Dead Zone. ~

Rating About Books The Dead Zone
Ratings: 3.93 From 167673 Users | 3645 Reviews

Criticize About Books The Dead Zone
** The Stephen King Goodreads Discussion Group is doing a re-read of his works from the beginning to the end. Its been a long time since I have really immersed myself in Uncle Stevies world, but a rate of a book a month, I am all in. My goal is to read and review each one with as much honesty and reflection that I can give. ** Background The Dead Zone was originally published in 1979. It was adapted not only into a fairly successful movie in 1983, but also a cable network television series in

Johnny Smith is one bad-luck bastard.He starts off well enough as a nice guy with a talent for teaching and is in the early stages of what looks to be a very promising relationship with Sarah. However, a car accident leaves Johnny in a coma which nobody thinks hell recover from. Miraculously, he wakes up 4 years later, but he finds that Sarah has married someone else, his mother has turned into a religious lunatic, hes got a long and painful rehab to endure, and he faces a mountain of debt from

2.5 Stars: Not bad, not great, but still entertaining.Tears streamed down her face, sliding over the smooth hard surface of the nightpack like rain on chrome. (Blade Runner, anyone?)This audiobook is excellent, and I would definitely recommend it to someone who is a fan of James Franco (he reads it with such vervre! much accent!) and who also enjoyed the John Travolta movie "Phenomenon."However, it is my least favorite Stephen King book to date. It's not bad, per se, but not especially gripping

For Goodreads: 2.5 stars. I think I dislike this book a little more every time I read it. The Dead Zone is, for the most part, boring setups that lead to lackluster climaxes, if they can be called climaxes at all. Maybe "payoffs" would be a better word... But I think what I dislike the most about this book is all the political mumbo jumbo. I simply don't give a shit about politics, and this book is full of it. If Johnny Smith isn't thinking about how shitty he has it, he's ruminating on the

Johnny Smith wakes from a coma with the psychic ability to read a person when he touches them. Will he use this ability for good or for selfish reasons? And what's the deal with this Greg Stillson character that's swiftly becoming a heavy hitter in the political realm?Sometime in early 2013, I resolved to read some of the Stephen King books I missed during my binge around the turn of the century. Along with The Shining and It, the Dead Zone is something I'm surprised I hadn't read years ago.The

In my own personal opinion, this is the best story Stephen King has ever written. Not the most frightening, not the most thrilling, no: but this novel has true literary merit. And a tragic hero (not a mere "protagonist, mind you) who really qualifies for the title.John Smith (his name immediately marks him out as the "common man") is blessed and cursed with second sight. It began as a minor ability due to a skating accident in his childhood; but when he wins big time at the roulette wheel in a

Some time last year I decided that it would be a fun idea to reread a lot of the Stephen King canon, starting with his first novel, Carrie and then keeping to a more or less chronological schedule, adding in stuff like The Dead Zone and Firestarter that I had skipped back in the day for whatever unknown reason. I got as far as The Shining when I realized that I needed to get off track and knuckle down on Doctor Sleep, Kings 2013 sequel to the original and find out what happened to the remains of

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