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Original Title: Mister Pip
ISBN: 0385341067 (ISBN13: 9780385341066)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Matilda, Mr. Watts
Setting: Papua New Guinea
Literary Awards: Booker Prize Nominee (2007), ALA Alex Award (2008), Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best Book Overall (2007), Kiriyama Prize for Fiction (2008), Ockham New Zealand Book Awards for Montana Medal for Fiction or Poetry (Montana NZ Awards) (2007)
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Mister Pip Hardcover | Pages: 256 pages
Rating: 3.68 | 17615 Users | 2086 Reviews

Describe Out Of Books Mister Pip

Title:Mister Pip
Author:Lloyd Jones
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 256 pages
Published:July 31st 2007 by The Dial Press (first published September 25th 2006)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. War. Young Adult

Rendition Supposing Books Mister Pip

In a novel that is at once intense, beautiful, and fablelike, Lloyd Jones weaves a transcendent story that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and the power of narrative to transform our lives. On a copper-rich tropical island shattered by war, where the teachers have fled with most everyone else, only one white man chooses to stay behind: the eccentric Mr. Watts, object of much curiosity and scorn, who sweeps out the ruined schoolhouse and begins to read to the children each day from Charles Dickens's classic Great Expectations. So begins this rare, original story about the abiding strength that imagination, once ignited, can provide. As artillery echoes in the mountains, thirteen-year-old Matilda and her peers are riveted by the adventures of a young orphan named Pip in a city called London, a city whose contours soon become more real than their own blighted landscape. As Mr. Watts says, “A person entranced by a book simply forgets to breathe.” Soon come the rest of the villagers, initially threatened, finally inspired to share tales of their own that bring alive the rich mythology of their past. But in a ravaged place where even children are forced to live by their wits and daily survival is the only objective, imagination can be a dangerous thing.

Rating Out Of Books Mister Pip
Ratings: 3.68 From 17615 Users | 2086 Reviews

Appraise Out Of Books Mister Pip
What a nearly perfect book, especially right after reading the original Pip (Great Expectations). A white NZ man introduces the black children of the tiny island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea to Great Expectations against a background of civil war with the "redskins" from the larger island. I don't want to give any of the plot away and I recommend that you do not read the jacket cover. This is an intensely moving, lyrical book.

I have so much to say about this fantastic book. When I was 6 years old, my mum remarried and we moved from NZ to a tiny island in the Torres Straight, between Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Australia, where my step father was a helicopter pilot. The reason we lived on this Island and not on PNG is because my stepfather said it was too dangerous for my mother and I (white, blonde) and that we wouldnt last a week there. Lloyd Jones has captured so much about Island life in that region that it just

My friend Rose, who also is reading "Mister Pip," early on described the book as schmaltzy, and I am inclined to agree. Treacly might be another good word. And the book often comes across as condescending toward anyone who isn't white, though I'm sure Lloyd Jones didn't mean for it to be.If "Mister Pip" is ever turned into a movie, it's a given that the role of Mr. Watts will go to Robin Williams, in his inspiring-teacher mode but wearing that fucking clown nose from "Patch Adams." Without

I bought this book solely because I liked its cover. And it was shortlisted for Man Booker in 2007. So I thought it was good. I mean, the only thing that I liked, was this whole general idea. About native people living on this exotic post-colonial island which is struck by civil war between the rebels and redskin army with their helicopters flying above the palm trees, and how white world doesnt give a shit, and relations among the villagers and their relations with the war situation and

Wow! I didn't expect this when I started reading. What a well told story.There are opposites throughout: idyllic island surrounding/Victorian London; peaceful island/rebels & militia; Great Expectations/no expectations. The juxtapositions are harsh and affective. Mr. Watts, the only white man on the island, takes it upon himself to teach the children during times of war after the school has been closed. He uses Great Expectations as a textbook, teaching the children of a world beyond their

Re-reading a firm favourite can be salutary, a cure for that breathless over-enthusiasm that marked the initial reaction. I'm not sure if anything can recapture the emotional punch in the solar plexus this book gave me the first time round. Appalled outrage at the fact that the civil war in the 1990s on the island of Bougainville which blasts devastation through the narrator's life was barely reported in any Western media; shocked horror at the atrocities (all based on fact); painful,

Mister Pip written by Lloyd Jones focuses on the power of imagination and the ability of literature to act as an escape from reality. Mr. Watt is one of the few remaining white men after the war begins on the island of Bougainville. He becomes a teacher for the native children of the island and uses Charles Dicken's Great Expectations to teach the children about the importance of imagination. Pip is significant to Jones's novel because he is the main character of Great Expectations that Mr.

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