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Identify About Books Polo (Rutshire Chronicles #3)

Title:Polo (Rutshire Chronicles #3)
Author:Jilly Cooper
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 223 pages
Published:Best Horse Novels for Adults Or Older Teens 277 books — 150 voters Best Horse Books 458 books — 341 voters
Categories:Fiction. Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Romance. Contemporary
Download Polo (Rutshire Chronicles #3) Books For Free Online
Polo (Rutshire Chronicles #3) Hardcover | Pages: 223 pages
Rating: 4.16 | 3641 Users | 105 Reviews

Relation In Favor Of Books Polo (Rutshire Chronicles #3)

In Jilly Cooper's third Rutshire chronicle we meet Ricky France-Lynch, who is moody, macho, and magnificent. He had a large crumbling estate, a nine-goal polo handicap, and a beautiful wife who was fair game for anyone with a cheque book. He also had the adoration of fourteen-year-old Perdita MacLeod. Perdita couldn't wait to leave her dreary school and become a polo player.The polo set were ritzy, wild, and gloriously promiscuous.Perdita thought she'd get along with them very well.

But before she had time to grow up, Ricky's life exploded into tragedy, and Perdita turned into a brat who loved only her horses - and Ricky France-Lynch.

Ricky's obsession to win back his wife, and Perdita's to win both Ricky and a place as a top class polo player, take the reader on a wildly exciting journey - to the estancias of Argentina, to Palm Beach and Deauville, and on to the royal polo fields of England and the glamorous pitches of California where the most heroic battle of all is destined to be fought - a match that is about far more than just the winning of a huge silver cup...

Be Specific About Books To Polo (Rutshire Chronicles #3)

Original Title: Polo
ISBN: 2253141720 (ISBN13: 9782253141723)
Series: Rutshire Chronicles #3

Rating About Books Polo (Rutshire Chronicles #3)
Ratings: 4.16 From 3641 Users | 105 Reviews

Assessment About Books Polo (Rutshire Chronicles #3)
Original reviewFirst read in my teens, this is my fave Jilly Cooper, just beating Rivals. Bonkbusting mayhem at it's very best, and I fell head over heels in love with Luke!Today's reviewLuke. Oh Luke. He was the stuff of teenage dreams. A gentle giant with muscles of steel and a heart of gold, he was madly in love with screwed up Perdita, who in turn was madly in love firstly with polo king Ricky and later with Luke's arrogant arsehole brother. He waited and waited and finally got his girl

Although Jilly's works are normally known for the raunch, I found this to be really interesting. Alongside the love story is some serious information on the game of Polo, of which I knew little. Although I am very interested in all equine sports, I had not had a lot to do with Polo and really enjoyed this part of the book.However I hate Perditta (one of the main female characters) with a passion, although I think this was the intension.

The best thing about Jilly Cooper books is her female characters. They're very realistic. They aren't all drop dead beautiful, model thin, and perfectly coifed. Their houses aren't always clean, and they're not all award winning journalists, or environmental activists, or renowned artists. They're normal, average, women who sometimes stay in their PJs all day, watch "Neighbors", and eat ice cream right out of the carton.They run out of clean underwear, don't always wash their hair, or bother

Another summer bonkbuster from Jilly Cooper, but one I found more disappointing than Riders and Rivals. This story is presented as a backdrop to the first two books Cooper wrote that centred on Rupert Campbell-Black, covering the time he was with Helen and then his relationship with Taggie. Instead of show jumping or television, we are presented with the glitzy world of polo - from the clubs in the English countryside to the heat scorched yards of Argentina to the Hollywood glamour of Palm

Not quite my favourite JC....Rivals is hard to beat I think, but I still love this story as it arcs a couple of the other Rutshire novels so has a massive ridiculous cast of brilliant characters. Special mention to adjectives repeatedly used including 'heavenly', 'ravishing', 'piggy' and 'pouty'. If there is an alternate universe then I hope this is it.

Another corker from the Jilly Cooper typewriter. Loved the new characters of Daisy and Perdita. Absolutely loved Luke but loathed his conceited brother. Alejandro, Angel and the other glamorous polo players are hilarious and loveable. Bart and Chessie are wonderful and larger than life. Again another very well written book that hooks you from the start.

Horses, bad behaviour, and lots of orgasms. Polo is the third book in Jilly Coopers Rutshire Chronicles series and is, hands-down, my absolute favourite of the currently nine-book line-up. (I may be a bit biased, though, as this was the first Jilly Cooper I ever read and the sex scenes it contains have been indelibly burned into what was my (somewhat) innocent teenage brain. In fact, Polo was my introduction to the concept that more than one orifice could be utilised during intercourse )Polo

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