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Original Title: Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (All and Everything/First)
ISBN: 1585424579 (ISBN13: 9781585424573)
Edition Language: English
Series: All and Everything #1, Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson #1-3
Free Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (All and Everything #1)Books Online Download
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (All and Everything #1) Hardcover | Pages: 1152 pages
Rating: 4.08 | 1069 Users | 81 Reviews

Ilustration Supposing Books Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (All and Everything #1)

The teaching of G. I. Gurdjieff (1866-1949) has come to be recognized as one of the most original, enduring, and penetrating of our century. While Gurdjieff used many different means to transmit his vision of the human dilemma and human possibility, he gave special importance to his acknowledged masterwork, Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson. Beelzebub's Tales is an "ocean of story" and of ideas that one can explore for a lifetime. It is majestic in scale and content, challengingly inventive in prose style, and, for those very reasons, often approached with apprehension. The first English language edition of the Russian original appeared in 1950. Since then, readers have recognized the need for a revised translation that would clarify the verbal surface while respecting the author's own thought and style. This revised edition, in preparation for many years under the direction of Gurdjieff's closest pupil, Jeanne de Salzmann, meets this need. Originally published in 1992, this translation offers a new experience of Gurdjieff's masterpiece for contemporary readers. It is presented in a sturdy cloth edition that echoes its original publication.

Point Of Books Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (All and Everything #1)

Title:Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (All and Everything #1)
Author:G.I. Gurdjieff
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 1152 pages
Published:March 23rd 2006 by TarcherPerigee (first published 1950)
Categories:Philosophy. Fiction. Spirituality. Religion

Rating Of Books Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (All and Everything #1)
Ratings: 4.08 From 1069 Users | 81 Reviews

Discuss Of Books Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (All and Everything #1)
I have only read book one of this work, out of three, book one is the only having been translated into Greek. I plan to read the other two books of this work in English, later in the future.The author has consciously and diligently tried to achieve what he said is his intention: to make us question everything that we know. He is using a science fiction format (or is it not 100% science fiction?). To judge this work I need to first read all three parts, I also plan to read first part for a second

This book is extremely difficult to read due to the language choices that the author has consciously taken. He has written in this way in an attempt to slow the reader down and give them time to understand what he has written, but most of the time I found that I had zoned out and not really understood anything that I'd been reading.The book does have redeeming factors. The author has many interesting, thought provoking ideas. They're just hard to find among the confusing language.He's also

I believe Gurdjieff accomplished with this work exactly what he had originally set out to do. That is, of course, to destroy any set notion, concept, or solid construction of how a book of this sort should be written, read, and/or comprehended. It ranks in the top 10 most difficult reads I have ever completed, contending with The Iliad in Greek which is saying something. With its own original set of words and vocabulary, excessive and unnecessary repetitions, as well as a rather confusing

This is a very easy book to read. Any 12 year old immorally imbibing too much hashish could read this. Have you ever not understood a word of a hip hop artist then suddenly you catch his rhythm and hear his every word? Once you get the rhythm it is easy. But just then - as Mike commented below about the rabbit holes - you quite quickly see this is a truly monumental journey of a legomonism revealing in all directions (and deeper than imaginable) a so thorough summary of: near all religions,

Essential primer on the works of de Selby.

An extraordinary attempt by Gurdjieff to create beyond what the ordinary man is equipped to understand. What arrives in this book according to G is something called objective art, defined by him as art that has a specific desired effect in the reader. This story encodes much of his personal and objective views of The Fourth Way as well and was meant to be a tool for the teaching and Work of the Fourth Way. To anyone picking up Gurdjieff for the first time, it will immediately feel like a

Admittedly this book is a slog, and purposefully so, so it's hard to rate it higher. But the effort is certainly worth it, as it's one of the most incredible, unique and thought-provoking books I've ever read.Contained within the 1200-odd pages and cryptic language is a remarkable slew of histories / alternate histories / metaphors that constantly challenge the reader's perspective and demand interpretation. Gurdjieff even creates a mini-lexicon to describe concepts both old and new to prevent

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