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Title:The Invisible Collection
Author:Stefan Zweig
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 96 pages
Published:March 1st 2000 by Pushkin Press (first published 1929)
Categories:Short Stories. Fiction. Classics
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The Invisible Collection Paperback | Pages: 96 pages
Rating: 3.98 | 4612 Users | 715 Reviews

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The first of these two Stefan Zweig tales, The Invisible Collection, is about a blind collector of rare prints who does not realize that his priceless Durers and Rembrandts have been sold by his family and replaced by blank sheets of paper. The second is the touching tale of Buchmendel, an old bookdealer who is himself a universal catalogue, entirely devoted to his trade. Zweig is a bestseller in Europe; Pushkin Press/Turtle Point are re-introducing his work to American readers.

Describe Books In Favor Of The Invisible Collection

Original Title: Buchmendel
ISBN: 1885586000 (ISBN13: 9781885586001)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Jakob Mendel

Rating Containing Books The Invisible Collection
Ratings: 3.98 From 4612 Users | 715 Reviews

Piece Containing Books The Invisible Collection
[Zweig's works have been translated into many languages, including English.]For me, the greatest pleasure in Stefan Zweig's (1881-1942) work is his remarkable empathy and insight into human beings, demonstrated in his fictions by profoundly drawn characters who rise bodily and vividly before the reader's wondering eyes. Written in a transparent German with a pleasant and slightly old fashioned hue, the novella's plots(*) are usually secondary, are usually just mechanisms for the discovery and

AT THE FIRST JUNCTION beyond Dresden, an elderly gentleman entered our compartment, smiled genially to the company, and gave me a special nod, as if to an old acquaintance. Seeing that I was at a loss, he mentioned his name. Of course I knew him! He was one of the most famous connoisseurs and art-dealers in Berlin. Before the war, I had often purchased autographs and rare books at his place. He took the vacant seat opposite me, and for a while we talked of matters not worth relating. Then,

Two great novellas/extended short stories by Zweig. These stories are glimpses into early 20th C world of Germany/Austria - although they are more "parables" than real life, and in that are timeless. The well-constructed stories, which almost seem like stories an exceptionally articulate raconteur would tell at a party, or descriptions of almost infinitesimally detailed, elaborate dreams, also feature sympathetic insight into characters. The protagonist of each story is an "anti-hero" - beaten

I dont trust emotions, my own or anyone elses, and emotional display tends to make me queasy. Perhaps its an inheritance from my Midwest farmer ancestors or the old Yankee blood in me. I wanted some more Zweig to read but when I saw the subtitle given this collection by Pushkin Press (Tales of Obsession and Desire) I balked. Yes, even the vague threat of encountering significant amounts of emotion in these pages gave me second thoughts.Obsession by itself might not have worried me. Give me a

How can I rate less than five stars a story about a man obsessed with books! And Zweig is a master of presenting obsessions. Of course, many goodreads members probably understand this perfectly! I will not reveal the story, instead I will tell you about two previous encounters in my lifetime. First one, some time ago, when I was a student, I had to knock on the apartment at the upper level, because of a plumbing problem. Somebody yelled "YESSS". I entered. There, I saw a very surreal place!

--The Invisible Collection: An episode from the time of German inflation--Twilight--The Miracles of Life--A Story Told in Twilight--Wondrak [unfinished]--Downfall of the Heart--Leporella--Did He Do It?--Amok--The Star Above the ForestDate of First Publication in German

These are Tales of Obsession and Desire. Desire is something to cultivate, relish and pursue. It might be an unattainable fantasy, a viable goal, or something to chase until we know which it is. All can bring pleasure, whether guilty or not. Even desires that lead only to the dead end of frustration are usually worth the price for the indulgence along the way. But when, oft in twilight, desire transmogrifies into obsession, delusions can engulf, and happiness slips away, like shadows on a

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