Free Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores (Y: The Last Man #10) Download Books

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Original Title: Y: The Last Man Vol. 10: Whys And Wherefores
ISBN: 140121813X (ISBN13: 9781401218133)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: Y: The Last Man #10
Setting: Paris(France)
Literary Awards: Hugo Award Nominee for Best Graphic Story (2009), Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards for Best Continuing Series, Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team (for Pia Guerra/Jose Marzan, Jr.) (2008)
Free Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores (Y: The Last Man #10) Download Books
Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores (Y: The Last Man #10) Paperback | Pages: 168 pages
Rating: 4.33 | 22401 Users | 1178 Reviews

Describe Out Of Books Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores (Y: The Last Man #10)

Title:Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores (Y: The Last Man #10)
Author:Brian K. Vaughan
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 168 pages
Published:July 1st 2008 by Vertigo
Categories:Sequential Art. Graphic Novels. Comics. Science Fiction. Fiction. Graphic Novels Comics. Apocalyptic. Post Apocalyptic

Commentary To Books Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores (Y: The Last Man #10)


Featured in THE NEW YORK TIMES and on NPR, Y: THE LAST MAN is the gripping saga of Yorick Brown, an unemployed and unmotivated slacker who discovers he is the only male left in the world after a plague of unknown origin instantly kills every mammal with a Y chromosome. Accompanied by his mischievous monkey, Ampersand, and the mysterious Agent 355, Yorick embarks on a transcontinental journey to find his long-lost girlfriend and discover why he is the last man on earth.

Yorick Brown's long journey through an Earth populated only by women comes to a dramatic, unexpected conclusion in this final volume. Collects issues #55-60 of Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra's award-winning Vertigo series.

Rating Out Of Books Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores (Y: The Last Man #10)
Ratings: 4.33 From 22401 Users | 1178 Reviews

Notice Out Of Books Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores (Y: The Last Man #10)
I have to judge this series as a whole, and it gets five stars... though some of the individual issues and arcs may not be 5-star. It's got a few places that seem to mis-step, but it's just a fantastic work of writing, of fiction, imagination, knowledge, and insight. Yorick's no hero (pun not intended), nor is he an anti-hero. He grows, he messes up, he does and doesn't come-of-age, and he learns. He also learns that, well, not everyone learns. Not everyone's making the same journey, or wants

Reading the epilogue with Ramin Djawadis Light of the Seven in the background wasnt a very good idea. This last volume was a roller coaster of emotions, one moment I was feeling happy, the next I was feeling sad and all this kept happening until the crushing finale that made me weep like a child. I had my own theories on how this was going to end, but none of what I though was going to happen actually happened. There are so many horrible moments in this volume that make want to hate Brian K.

Reflecting on this series, I'm going to say: not impressed. The series tended to irk me a lot. The idea is still thought-provoking and fascinating (you know the drill by now: what happened if every male mammal was wiped out, besides one Everyman and his monkey). But how Vaughan dealt with it was just ri-fucking-diculous. You know what, Vaughan? Very little of my life revolves around men and Fighting the Patriarchy. Seriously, is this supposed to be set in the 1960s? Nearly every woman in this

Oof. Owie, right in the amygdala.A pretty melancholic ending for an otherwise powerhouse series, but conducted to hit where it's meaningful. So all in all, the ends are tied tightly and the graves are settled.(view spoiler)[Killing off 355 in such a way was morally reprehensible on the writers' parts, however. Shot through a window? Really? That's the way she's gonna go out, after living through all that? Shameful! That's negative one star just out of spite! (hide spoiler)]

I don't even know where to start. I'd love to just throw, no shovel, all kinds of praise on this! You know, like when The Academy gave Peter Jackson all those awards for The Return of the King, mostly neglecting the first two (sidebar: I hate those damn Hobbit movies).Vaughan did everything right, I wouldn't change a damn thing. Part of me wants to do a whole spoiler-ific review but I refuse to neglect peeps who haven't read this, so I'll try and tag appropriately.You know what, I'm not ashamed

This was the dumbest graphic novel series Ive read yet. To make matters worse, the ending was outrageously pathetic. So happy Im finished.

this is the most beautiful epilogue to a comic series i have ever readits elegant and mind-blowing and satisfying i was very sad to see 355 die since all the signs said that she and Yorick will be together in the endi was heartbroken with yorick to know that beth the first was going to break up with him before the plague i was very excited to see the old yorick in his straight jacket and was wondering all the time why the hell hasn't he escaped from it long ago but as the saying goes better late

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