Books فئران أمي حصة Download Free

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Original Title: فئران أمي حصة ISBN13 9786140115446
Edition Language: Arabic
Books فئران أمي حصة  Download Free
فئران أمي حصة Paperback | Pages: 440 pages
Rating: 4.17 | 10853 Users | 2333 Reviews

Explanation Supposing Books فئران أمي حصة

ما عادت الفئران تحومُ حول قفص الدجاجاتِ أسفل السِّدرة وحسب. تسلَّلت إلى البيوت. كنتُ أشمُّ رائحةً ترابية حامضة، لا أعرف مصدرها، إذا ما استلقيتُ على أرائك غرفة الجلوس. ورغم أني لم أشاهد فأرا داخل البيت قط، فإن أمي حِصَّه تؤكد، كلما أزاحت مساند الأرائك تكشف عن فضلاتٍ بنيةٍ داكنة تقارب حبَّات الرُّز حجما، تقول إنها الفئران.. ليس ضروريا أن تراها لكي تعرف أنها بيننا! أتذكَّر وعدها. أُذكِّرها: "متى تقولين لي قصة الفيران الأربعة؟". تفتعل انشغالا بتنظيف المكان. تجيب: "في الليل". يأتي الليل، مثل كلِّ ليل. تنزع طقم أسنانها. تتحدث في ظلام غرفتها. تُمهِّد للقصة: "زور ابن الزرزور، إللي عمره ما كذب ولا حلف زور..".

Details Based On Books فئران أمي حصة

Title:فئران أمي حصة
Author:سعود السنعوسي
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:الطبعة الأولى
Pages:Pages: 440 pages
Published:February 2015 by الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون + منشورات ضفاف
Categories:Novels. Fiction

Rating Based On Books فئران أمي حصة
Ratings: 4.17 From 10853 Users | 2333 Reviews

Weigh Up Based On Books فئران أمي حصة
A story of a group of Kuwati friends from different religious sects Katkout. They can't understand why the various divisions occur between religions and sects and establish a radio station to broadcast their views. In time they are labelled as extremists.Told in two parallel timescales. The first covers their teens through the Iraqi invasion, gulf war(s) and 9/11. Wise humour is issued by Mama Hissa who has one of the best lines "Don't look for truth on the lips of liars". The second covers a

What can I say about this book that I'm not going to already put in my thesis? Read it.September 2019:Saud AlSanousi is legitimately one of the greatest Kuwaiti writing voices. I cannot recommend this text enough. It was banned for a time in Kuwait (unsure if it's still banned since I did purchase additional copies of it at a state-sponsored book fair), and it really gets down to the nitty and gritty of what is wrong with Kuwaiti society and what's right in it. It frankly did leave me feeling a

-DNF'ed after 200pages, skimmed through the rest and read the last chapters. I'm so disappointed since this one of my most anticipated read and a 5 stars prediction... I just couldn't even force myself to finish it.-The topic in this book is a bit over done, yet still so important to talk about, the execution of it was however absolutly terrible-The same ideas were repeated over and over again, every 2 pages we're reminded of something that already was talked feels like the author is

Mama Hissa's Mice by Saud Alsanousi, translated by Sawad Hussain, is set in Kuwait and covers a period of about 30 years. It unfolds through two parallel threads.The first thread opens with the narrator, Katkout, now in his early forties, regaining consciousness as the result of a terrible explosion. Entitled The Present Day, this thread occurs in the year 2020 and follows Katkout throughout the day as he searches for his friends through the streets of a Kuwait ravaged by sectarian violence. He

This novel showed a personal view of Kuwait before and after the Gulf War. Its hard to imagine real names and faces with the stories we just saw on the news, but this book added so much depth from real lives.Im always in for a book with engaging characters. Through Katkouts memories of the past and the neighborhood where he spent his boyhood, I became invested in seeing what was happening to him and his friends in his descriptions from the present. Alternating between his childhood memories (in

I could spend a very long time praising this work. I actually was reluctant to finish it. This has taken the Arab political fiction to a new level. A contemporary, elegant, and more literary level. I am forever impressed by the craft of this author, starting slightly from the first novel up to his 2017 novel. There are no loose threads, and he always closes his novels at exactly the right time. The convoluted double-threaded plot here remind me of the time continuum of the movie Dunkirk. At

3.5 stars for a very decent difficult read of a subject I was not very familiar with. The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, Shia v. Sunni, families torn apart, youth rebellion, love and honor. Really well written and I used Google to help with words I didnt know. Written from the perspective of 5 teenage boys, different faiths but love of each other. Glad I completed it.

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