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Title:Rose Madder
Author:Stephen King
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 595 pages
Published:1995 by Hodder and Stoughton
Categories:Horror. Fiction. Thriller
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Rose Madder Paperback | Pages: 595 pages
Rating: 3.7 | 92281 Users | 2400 Reviews

Narrative Supposing Books Rose Madder

Alternate cover for this ISBN can be found here Roused by a single drop of blood, Rosie Daniels wakes up to the chilling realisation that her husband is going to kill her. And she takes flight - with his credit card. Alone in a strange city, Rosie begins to build a new life: she meets Bill Steiner and she finds an odd junk shop painting, 'Rose Madder', which strangely seems to want her as much as she wants it. But it's hard for Rosie not to keep looking over her shoulder. Rose-maddened and on the rampage, Norman is a corrupt cop with a dog's instinct for tracking people. And he's getting close. Rosie can feel just how close he's getting...

List Books In Pursuance Of Rose Madder

Original Title: Rose Madder
ISBN: 0340640146 (ISBN13: 9780340640142)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Rose McClendon Daniels, Norman Daniels, American Law Enforcement

Rating Regarding Books Rose Madder
Ratings: 3.7 From 92281 Users | 2400 Reviews

Article Regarding Books Rose Madder
Probably my favorite King book, Rose Madder contains some of his creepiest imagery and the best characterization of a woman that he's managed thus far. It's hard not to get involved in Rosie's problems as she runs from a horrifically abusive marriage. The supernatural horror aspect of the story doesn't even enter into it until fairly late in the book; King gives you the chance to watch Rosie grow and change, and to set the stage for what will happen next.Definitely the one I would loan to

This is Exactly as I felt about the book! Thanks for this awesome review.

A blend of horrific reality and mythical fantasy, Rose Madder came out of the left field and surprised me in the best way! I've seen a lot of less-than-positive reviews of this particular King, but I loved it. I loved the Greek mythology references, I loved the main character Rosie McClendon, I loved the raw, brutal story, everything!The prologue really sets the tone for the rest of the novel, it's one of the hardest things I've ever had to read. It's not for the fainthearted and there's a lot

My book club read this book last month. This is how book club went basically: Joy: Colleen, what was your favorite part of this book?Me: Well, Joy, I'll get to that in a few, but would anyone like some chocolate? (Passes around a bowl of chocolate until they are all staring at me expectantly. Reluctantly continues.) You know, Joy, Stephen King never disappoints. Every time I turned the page, there were more words that formed sentences. The kind of sentences that make up all of Stephen King's

Great suspense. Wife runs from her abusive husband who is now tracking her.STORY BRIEF:The first 10% is Rose living with Norman. Theyve been married fourteen years. He bites, stabs, and punches her. (Most of this harm is told rather than shown so its a little less painful for the reader.) The next 80% is Rose leaving Norman, surviving with help from an organization, meeting someone, and Normans search for her. The organization helps abused women on the run. The women in the organization have

Rose Madder is part of a group of King books I had yet not read. Well, I'm glad I did. Like his best efforts, it is character driven. And in Rose Daniels/McClendon King supplies one of the best characters in all the books I've read by him. On the dark side of things, her abusive husband is one of his darkest villains. What makes both so interesting is that they are also complex. Rose, whose innocence covers a core of rage; and Norman, who for all of his brutality, is ultimately pathetic. What

I think Rose Madder just became one of my top ten favourite King books. Ive read it before and loved it but something about it this time around really struck a chord. It felt like it upped and punched me in the gut and it hurt SO good! Theres a little bit of everything in this one; horror, suspense, fantasy. And its all absolutely delicious and I devoured it. Rosie is such a kickass female character, I am absolutely in love with her and I think she might tie Susannah as my favourite female King

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