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Original Title: Satyricon
ISBN: 0192839527 (ISBN13: 9780192839527)
Edition Language: English
Online The Satyricon  Books Download Free
The Satyricon Paperback | Pages: 272 pages
Rating: 3.81 | 6602 Users | 328 Reviews

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Satyricon on yksi maailmankirjallisuuden omaleimaisimpia teoksia. Kautta vuosituhannen se on närkästyttänyt tosikkoja ja ihastuttanut niitä, jotka haluavat tutustua verta ja lihaa olevaan ihmiseen haluineen ja pelkoineen, vikoineen ja heikkouksineen. Petronius on suuri kertoja, joka vyöryttää eteemme ajanlaskumme ensimmäisen vuosisadan kuohuvan maailman mitään inhimillistä kaihtamatta. Hänen antisankarinsa riippuvat kynsin ja hampain kiinni elämässä – ja erityisesti kaikissa mahdollisissa sen tarjoamissa nautinnoissa. Petroniuksen Satyricon löytyy tästä teoksesta ensimmäistä kertaa kokonaan suomennettuna, ajanmukaisena ja selityksin varustettuna käännöksenä.

Point About Books The Satyricon

Title:The Satyricon
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 272 pages
Published:August 19th 1999 by Oxford University Press, USA (first published 60)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. Poetry. Literature. Ancient

Rating About Books The Satyricon
Ratings: 3.81 From 6602 Users | 328 Reviews

Article About Books The Satyricon
Any help with translation/edition selection for Petronius will be most welcome. The more notes and apparatus the better. Preference of translation is for that stilted style which leaves the Latin flavor intact. Latest scholarship is also always a must. Is it too much to ask for a bi-lingual? --> don't skip Ali's comment justbelow. Possiblities:P. G. Walsh from Oxford University Press, 1996/2009.'ve got the 1996 edition ; don't know how the '09 updates.

(arrowsmith) it's basically indistinguishable from fragmented surrealist porn (apollinaire etc) 75% of the time. that's a good thing

Petronius was a Roman writer. Yep, actually at the time. He was a friend of Neros, hanging out in his set. I think Nero may have had him killed in the end, when he (Nero) was going on his standard paranoid-autocrats-rampage of killing everyone off.If you read this book you will get an idea of why conservative Romans didnt like Nero. This story is debauched, hedonistic and so openly gay, in both senses of the word.What I especially like about this is apart from it being such a rollick is that

Classic Bingo 2016. I1: Written/published before 1600s.This is very bawdy, but not graphic.

Absolutely brilliant and hilarious if only more than 2 books of the Satyricon had survived!

For the longest time, I always wished we had the missing books of the Annals. Reading all these fragmentary or incomplete sources nothing could trump my desire to see what Tacitus had to say about Caligula. Today, I add another source I wish was more complete: the Satyricon. It was so frustrating reading this and having such great leaps in the story due to how fragmentary parts are. I felt keenly interested in reading more about the bumbling Encolpius and his misadventures. The Satyricon is by

The Satiricon is a novel that is sure to please communists and sexual deviants in that it combines a dizzying sequence of unnatural sexual acts with a rigorous analysis of the class structure of Rome at the time of Nero written by a contemporary.The Satiricon is simply hilarious. It describes the picaresque journey of the sexually amphibious Encolpe through Roman Society. The reader is presented with a delightful collection of rogues including long-winded poets, underhanded sodomites, rich

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