Online Books Free Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right Download

Particularize Containing Books Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right

Title:Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right
Author:Ann Coulter
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 352 pages
Published:September 16th 2003 by Three Rivers Press (first published January 1st 2002)
Categories:Politics. Nonfiction. Humor. History
Online Books Free Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right  Download
Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right Paperback | Pages: 352 pages
Rating: 3.42 | 2411 Users | 135 Reviews

Representaion Toward Books Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right

The hottest and most controversial book of the year! Find out who really controls the media in America.

“[Ann Coulter] is never in doubt. And that, along with her bright writing, sense of irony and outrage, and her relish at finally hitting back at political opponents (especially in the media) is what makes Slander such refreshing and provocative reading.”
Los Angeles Times

“[Ann Coulter] is a fluent polemicist with a gift for Menckenesque invective . . . and she can harness such language to subtle, syllogistic argument.”
Washington Post Book World

“The most popular nonfiction book in America.”—New York Times

“The real value of Slander . . . is not in the jokes or devastating exposés of liberal politicians and their allies, but the serious and scholarly study of just how entrenched the media prejudice is against anyone whose politics are even faintly conservative.”
New York Sun

“Written with a great deal of passion . . . the real source of its strength—and its usefulness—was its painstaking marshalling of evidence . . . More important than [High Crimes and Misdemeanors] because it addresses a much broader issue, and one of lasting significance.”—National Review

Describe Books During Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right

Original Title: Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right
ISBN: 1400049520 (ISBN13: 9781400049523)
Edition Language: English

Rating Containing Books Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right
Ratings: 3.42 From 2411 Users | 135 Reviews

Commentary Containing Books Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right
The liberals have control of most of the media megaphones and they pretty much lie all the time about conservatives. Read Anns book and you will have examples aplenty. Ive read her columns and another book of hers. This one is less polemical than her usual writing, probably because she approaches the topic with so much research and data. Ann Coulter nails the liberal mind to the wall for all to examine. Judging from the erudite reviews by our liberal colleagues here, she was accurate about their

I read this trying to see what the big deal is about Ann, figuring she couldn't possibly be as bad as people said.Actually she's worse.The humor isn't that funny, mostly a lot of name calling. she plays fast and loose with the facts, maps out a set of rules for how political discourse should be, to set us liberals straight and then breaks all her own rules or ignores them when discussing conservatives and is just generally not that strong a writer.This book is just a huge slab of unintentional

THE SLANDER REVIEWS.Review the first: An Appeal to Those Who Take Her SeriouslyThis first review is specifically for those who take Ann Coulters ideas seriously. If you do, I really hope youll read this review and seriously think about the arguments Im making. Heres a quote from the first paragraph of Coulters last chapter: Like all propagandists, liberals create mythical enemies to justify their own viciousness and advance their agenda. There is no bogeyman that strikes greater terror in the

You need to win elections, and thats how you actually change stuff. I was working for the U.S. Senate after the 1994 election, Coulter said. Things were going gangbusters. And yet, the government got shut down in the end of 1995. It really, really hurt Republicans.From The Daily Caller website. As much as I loathe this bag of baboon shit called Coulter, I have to say she's completely correct in this instance, and it gives me some small measure of hope that Murrikins isn't styeeeooopud enough

if you hate yourself and want to drive yourself to depression read this book. I would never advocate burning a book, but if you need to stay warm, this should be one of the first books you should use for fuel.

She's an insane evil witch!!!!!!. I like to think of my self as open minded and willing to listen to points of view that I don't agree with,but I felt like I needed to take a shower after reading her book to wash the smell away. Being bombastic and intelligently putting one's ideas foward are two different things. This concept seems to be beyond Ms. Coulter's grasp.She manages to do exactly what she accuses the left of doing, namely painting the other with a broad brush. In MS. Coulter's eyes

Early Ann, if you were hacked off by her later books you will be by this one to. Funny, insightful and of course "in your face".

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