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Original Title: Franny and Zooey
ISBN: 0316769029 (ISBN13: 9780316769020)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Franny Glass, Zooey Glass, Buddy Glass, Lane Coutell, Bessie Glass
Literary Awards: National Book Award Finalist for Fiction (1962)
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Franny and Zooey Paperback | Pages: 201 pages
Rating: 3.98 | 180095 Users | 6197 Reviews

Explanation Toward Books Franny and Zooey

The short story, Franny, takes place in an unnamed college town and tells the tale of an undergraduate who is becoming disenchanted with the selfishness and inauthenticity she perceives all around her. The novella, Zooey, is named for Zooey Glass, the second-youngest member of the Glass family. As his younger sister, Franny, suffers a spiritual and existential breakdown in her parents' Manhattan living room -- leaving Bessie, her mother, deeply concerned -- Zooey comes to her aid, offering what he thinks is brotherly love, understanding, and words of sage advice. Salinger writes of these works: "FRANNY came out in The New Yorker in 1955, and was swiftly followed, in 1957 by ZOOEY. Both stories are early, critical entries in a narrative series I'm doing about a family of settlers in twentieth-century New York, the Glasses. It is a long-term project, patently an ambiguous one, and there is a real-enough danger, I suppose that sooner or later I'll bog down, perhaps disappear entirely, in my own methods, locutions, and mannerisms. On the whole, though, I'm very hopeful. I love working on these Glass stories, I've been waiting for them most of my life, and I think I have fairly decent, monomaniacal plans to finish them with due care and all-available skill."

Identify Appertaining To Books Franny and Zooey

Title:Franny and Zooey
Author:J.D. Salinger
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 201 pages
Published:January 30th 2001 by Back Bay Books (first published September 1961)
Categories:Psychology. Philosophy. Nonfiction. Self Help. Love. Relationships. Sociology

Rating Appertaining To Books Franny and Zooey
Ratings: 3.98 From 180095 Users | 6197 Reviews

Criticism Appertaining To Books Franny and Zooey
I'm sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody.The blinking cursor that preceded this review, the place-holder of possibility before the big bang of creation, speaks volumes when taken in relation to J.D. Salingers exquisite Franny and Zooey. In a novel about identity, about forging who we are from a blank slate in the void of society and humanity, we are constantly called to the floor and reminded how often we impose our ego, or wishes, our desires, and become a caricature of

Did you know that Zooey Glass was voted People magazines Sexiest Man Alive in 1961?What? No, Im kidding. Why would you have ever believed that? Did you think the magazine even existed back in 61? Geez.But if it did, fictional or not, Zooey could almost certainly have been a contender. And back then he would have been eligible, too. Of course, you wouldnt get the Zooey Glass looks without a little of the Zooey Glass attitude, and are you sure youd want to have dealt with that? It was a little...I

از این کتاب متنفرم..یه سطحی بودن و ضعف خاصی در سراسر جملات و دیالوگ های کتاب هست..جمله "و سیگارش را اتش زد"بار ها تکرار شده..انگار که مثلا باید حس کنی یه کرایسیس و بحران خیلی بزرگ تو وجود کاراکتر وجود داره..در حالیکه برای من شخصیت ها مقوا و پیش پا افتاده بودن..و مهم نیس چند بار جمله "و سیگارش را اتش زد"تکرار شد..هیچ تاثیری برای من نداشت..به عنوان خواننده از دور تلاش رقت انگیزی برای عمیق ساختن متن رو دیدم و با لبخند تلخی سرتکون دادم..

Accidenti, disse, ce ne sono di cose belle al mondo. E quando dico belle intendo belle. Siamo degli idioti a svicolare sempre dalle cose. Sempre, sempre, sempre lì ad annotare tutti gli accidenti che capitano al nostro piccolo e schifoso io . Capitano, talvolta, degli incidenti straordinari. Tu sei lì con la guardia abbassata, a carezzare il tuo piccolo e schifoso io, e dun tratto le parole giuste ti cascano tra capo e collo come una secchiata dacqua fredda (o meglio, come un confortante tè

This is great; it really is. In many ways its the anti Cornwell-Patterson-Grisham-King-Coben-Brown. Franny and Zooey isnt fast paced or plot driven; it isnt thrilling (in the traditional sense), and its concepts arent surfaced-based or easy to come by (or even embraced by the mainstream populace), but Salinger didnt write for these people; he wrote for himself and if you identified with what he wrote, good for you -- if not, so be it. Even so, its not flourishy or fancy; theres nothing

I think I lost count of the number of times I've read this little book. The first time more than forty years and then periodically every few years. I'm sixty-two-years-old today and I just realized that there will come a time when all I will want to do is re-read the books that have impacted me in some way or another. There's not much time, you know. This is a religious book written at a time much like our own when writing a book with religious themes was a risky endeavor. The author risked

I'm sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody.The blinking cursor that preceded this review, the place-holder of possibility before the big bang of creation, speaks volumes when taken in relation to J.D. Salingers exquisite Franny and Zooey. In a novel about identity, about forging who we are from a blank slate in the void of society and humanity, we are constantly called to the floor and reminded how often we impose our ego, or wishes, our desires, and become a caricature of

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